Friday, October 10, 2008

A Town Like Parataxis (8)

Stories we tell ourselves:
At the Richard Killeen Retrospective

I didn’t think ‘triangle good, rabbit bad’
– Richard Killeen, New Gallery (2/10/99)

Im AxaduUdax am I
Life begins with qualitybuying up earlier works to burn them
Max a dudI’ve got a terrible tongue on meThe bus-driver’s fearDud ax am
C shows me negatives(jet-stream overhead)I M A X A D Uof the open road. Stop,chairs – and Ben, her ex – in bed
Ax a dudapissing in the – Armitage Shanks –M A X A D U Dscrabble in the cashbox,Adu Daxa
I can’t forget they’re everywherewind, behind a briar hedgeA X A D U D Ascratch your balding headpeur contre peur
Xadu daxX A D U D A XXadu dax
I’d rather unknow than not knowWill it stay there till the end of theA D U D A X AIf I could say thatI don’t really care if you get it or not
Adu Daxaworld – that spearmint lifesaverD U D A X A M I could say anything:Ax a duda
Converting the light to pixelsI dropped behind the signal boxU D A X A M Ithat look, glance, glimpse, stare,digitally enhanced
Dud ax amon Hobson Street?œillade, scrutinyMax a dud
Anything is good“boat” = drowning / sailing
Udax am IIm Axadu

A Town Like Parataxis (9)

păratăx’ĭs, n. (gram.). Placing of clauses
etc. one after another, without words to
indicate co-ordination or subordination.
So păratăc’tIC a., păratăc’tICALLY adv.
[f.Gk PARA (taxis arrangement f. tassō)]
Concise Oxford Dictionary, ed. H. W. & F. G. Fowler (1911)

A Town Like Parataxis (10)

Perdrix Press
6a Hastings Rd
Mairangi Bay
Auckland 1310
Phone: (+64-9) 479-2870
Fax: (+64-9) 478-5828

© Jack Ross & Gabriel White, 2000
All Rights Reserved
ISBN 0-473-07104-5


You are cordially invited to a Garden Party
at 23 Maxwell Ave, Westmere,
on Sunday, October 1st, from 2 pm onwards
to celebrate the publication of



Text by Jack RossPhotos by Gabriel White

A Town Like Parataxis

Poems by Jack Ross
Photos by Gabriel White

păratăx’ĭs, n. (gram.). Placing of clauses
etc. one after another, without words to
indicate co-ordination or subordination.
So păratăc’tIC a., păratăc’tICALLY adv.
[f.Gk PARA (taxis arrangement f. tassō)]

Took a walk around the old neighbourhood
- Margaret Urlich

Maybe you too live in a town like Parataxis - it's just around the corner, in the texture of a brick wall, a goal post against the sky. No coordination, no subordination: the sacred sites in your memory theatre.


A Town Like Parataxis combines image and poetry to articulate this sense of places somehow exempt from "our monotonous sublime."


I would like to ordercopies of Jack Ross & Gabriel White's A Town Like Parataxis
at $NZ 10 each.Your address & contact details:

Publisher:Perdrix PressPhn: (+64-9) 479-2870
6a Hastings RdFax: (+64-9) 478-5828
Mairangi Bay
Auckland 1310, NZ