Monday, July 22, 2024

Operation Mincemeat

John Madden, dir. Operation Mincemeat (2021)

How was it John Lennon put it in "A Day in the Life" (1967)?
I saw a film today, oh boy
The English Army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
But I just had to look
Having read the book
Things haven't changed all that much in the sixty-odd years since then. The English Army are still winning the war, only now they're mostly doing it by being fiendlishly clever and outfoxing the Germans at their own game ...

Ewen Montagu: The Man Who Never Was (1953)

But then, I too have read the book: in this case, Ewen Montagu's best-selling account of just how smart he and his chums at Naval intelligence had been in planting a bunch of forged letters on the body of a fake officer and floating it onto the coast of neutral Spain.

The idea was to persuade the German high command that the Allies' next objective, after their successful North African campaign, would be to invade Sardinia and Greece - not the actual (and most obvious) target, Sicily.

Ben Macintyre: Operation Mincemeat (2010)

Not everything about this operation could be revealed in 1953 - in particular, the existence of Ultra intelligence - so another book has now been written to bring the story up-to-date: Ben Macintyre's Operation Mincemeat: The True Spy Story that Changed the Course of World War II.

But did it? Change the course of World War II, that is? Opinions seem to differ on that one. "The full effect of Operation Mincemeat is not known, but Sicily was liberated more quickly than anticipated and losses were lower than predicted", is Wikipedia's verdict.
Ultra decrypts of German messages showed that the Germans fell for the ruse. German reinforcements were shifted to Greece and Sardinia before and during the invasion of Sicily; Sicily received none.
On the other hand, Michael Howard, in his book Strategic Deception in the Second World War (1995):
while describing Mincemeat as "perhaps the most successful single deception operation of the entire war", considered Mincemeat and Barclay [the larger scheme of "bogus troop movements, radio traffic, recruitment of Greek interpreters, and acquisition of Greek maps"] to have less impact on the course of the Sicily campaign than Hitler's "congenital obsession with the Balkans."

Thaddeus Holt: The Deceivers (2004)

Thaddeus Holt, in his own exhaustive history The Deceivers: Allied Military Deception in the Second World War is particularly critical of the way in which Montagu's book - possibly through no fault of his - has led many people to assume that this was the only important piece of deception going on at the time of the invasion of Sicily.

John Madden's film goes far further in this respect. There's scarcely a moment where one character or another isn't emoting away about how their work could alter the course of the war, save thousands of lives, and affect the whole history of civilisation.

Ian Fleming, who did indeed have a minor role in the real Mincemeat operation, is also given an exceptionally pompous - and rather out of character, for anyone who's ever read one of his thrill-a-minute books - John le Carré-esque monologue to intone from time to time to spike up the action.

Giles Keyte: Operation Mincemeat (2021)
l-to-r: Colin Firth, Matthew Macfadyen & Johnny Flynn
Ian Fleming: [narrating while typing] In any story, if it's a good story, there is that which is seen, and that which is hidden. This is especially true in stories of war.
... There is the war we see, a contest of bombs and bullets, courage, sacrifice, and brute force, as we count the winners, the losers, and the dead.
... But alongside that war, another war is waged. A battleground in shades of gray, played out in deception, seduction, and bad faith. The participants are strange. They are seldom what they seem, and fiction and reality blur. This war is a wilderness of mirrors in which the truth is protected by a bodyguard of lies. This is our war.
All in all, it certainly seems to have the makings of a rattling good yarn. The story is a fascinating one - true, too (for the most part) - and all the usual suspects from the pantheon of British acting are there in strength.

That it doesn't quite succeed in this endeavour is mainly down to Michelle Ashford's rather mawkish screenplay. For a start, did we really need the (completely fictional) love triangle between Colin Firth, Matthew Macfadyen and Kelly MacDonald?

A rather portly Colin Firth, who plays former-King's-Counsel-turned-spy Ewen Montagu, looks far more interested in glugging down another glass of whisky than having a quick snog with his nattily turned out junior Kelly MacDonald (Jean Leslie).

Exactly what part the moustachioed Matthew Macfadyen - impersonating the actual brains behind the operation, Charles Cholmondeley - imagines himself to be playing is unclear to me. Certainly he does the worst job of trying to pick up a girl in a cinema, and subsequently in a nightclub, and finally in the office, that I've ever seen.

And yet Macfadyen succeeded completely in reinventing himself as a wolfish corporate predator in the Succession (2018-23) TV series. Why didn't they give him some of that material to work with here?

The point of this post, however, is not so much to slag off the film, which I did still enjoy - though it seemed to me that it could have been considerably better with a little judicious pruning of its longer, more weepy scenes - than to talk about its larger implications as a guide to prevailing British attitudes towards the Second World War.

The book above, which I picked up recently in a second-hand shop, is a condensation of Nigel Hamilton's exhaustive three-volume, authorised biography of Field Marshall Montgomery (1981-86), possibly the most controversial figure in Second World War historiography.

Monty's version of the war in Europe - expressed in his numerous volumes of memoirs, and repeated more or less verbatim by Hamilton's official biography - was that it could easily have been won by the end of 1944 if only the Americans had left him in overall command of all Allied ground forces after the breakout from Normandy.

Failing that, if they (meaning Eisenhower and his bosses in Washington) had just listened to Monty's suggestion that most of the available resources and manpower should be allocated to him in order to conduct his single-thrust attack into Northern German - rather than frittering it away on side-shows such as General Patton's advance in the South, and the subsidiary landings in the South of France - then he would have mopped up the Nazis easily.

Chester Wilmot: The Struggle for Europe (1952)

This is certainly the view accepted immediately after the war by such influential witnesses as Australian war correspondent Chester Wilmot. It also ties in nicely with the English view of the Americans - both troops and generals - as inexperienced and over-confident. Not to mention the "over-paid, over-sexed, and over here" mythology of discord between the two nationalities, as expressed with supreme wit and pin-point accuracy in the classic British sit-com Dad's Army (1968-1977):

Dad's Army: My British Buddy (1973)

The question remains, though, was Monty the supreme strategist he claimed to be? Were all of his reverses - Caen, Arnhem - other people's fault? Was it feasible to have so notoriously touchy and undiplomatic a general in charge of an army consisting predominantly of American rather than British troops?

Anxious as they are to promote Montgomery's virtues, the Brits suffer from the supreme disadvantage of not controlling Hollywood. Their occasional successes there come as flashes in the pan in a more uniform tale of American exceptionalism.

Steven Spielberg, dir. Saving Private Ryan (1998)

Take that propaganda masterpiece Saving Private Ryan, for instance. There's a scene early on where Ted Danson, playing a hardbitten combat officer, has a brief dialogue with Tom Hanks (Captain Miller):
Captain Hamill: What have you heard? How's it all falling together?
Captain Miller: Well, we got the beachhead secure. Problem is Monty's taking his time moving on Caen. We can't pull out till he's ready, so...
Captain Hamill: That guy's overrated.
Captain Miller: No argument here.
That line about Monty being "overrated" has led to apoplectic exchanges up and down the internet. This, for example, from the History forum Historum (4/2/2014):
this comment about Monty being ''overrated'' was factually wrong, even if some US troops said it at the time.

The pre-D-Day plan was for Monty and the Canadians to take on the bulk of the SS and German armour (which were behind Caen), whilst the less-challenged US troops (in the western flank) in Brittany, under the dashing Patton, would break out (as they did) and deal a mighty blow in the enemy flank. Which they did.
Which was answered, later that day, as follows:
I'm one of Montgomery's detractors. He is overrated, in my view. He had a chronic case of the slows that, while might have resulted in less initial casualties, may well have caused more casualties in the long run. As for Montgomery at Normandy, I might buy the argument that Monty was supposed to take the brunt of Rommel's reserve allowing the Americans under Bradley (Patton was still commanding a fictitious army in England) to break out IF the historical record supported that. It does not. Carlo d'Este has proven convincingly that that thesis was an invention by Monty after the fact.

... I might also buy that my view of Monty was a product of my American viewpoint IF I viewed all British generals as incompetent (I don't - Alexander and Slim were both exceptional, in my view) and all American generals as able to move mountains (I'm not a huge fan of Mark Clark, George Patton, and mostly Dugout Douglas MacArthur). Why is it that criticism of Monty must be based on national agenda?
"Endless are the arguments of mages," as Ursula K. Le Guin once put it - or, as in this case, of historians and history buffs.

Antony Beevor: D-Day: The Battle for Normandy (2009)

If there is a concensus, though, I'd say that my own reading of some of the more recent accounts of D-Day by a range of historians, American and British - in particular, Stephen E. Ambrose and Antony Beevor - has led me to the conclusion that few of them now accept that Monty's failure to capture Caen on the day of the invasion was somehow "intentional."

Nor do many writers now repeat that idea of a "pre-D-Day plan" which involved little or not movement on the part of British and Commonwealth troops in order to "set up" a breakthrough by the Americans. That is indeed (more or less) what happened, but whether it was planned that way, as Monty's advocates continue to insist, seems increasingly doubtful. The facts appear to be otherwise.

The supreme argument for American bluster and incompetence against British calmness and professionalism is, of course, Hitler's Ardennes Offensive, the so-called "Battle of the Bulge." This was certainly an avoidable disaster, and Eisenhower apologists (such as the late Stephen Ambrose) have a difficult job arguing otherwise.

Whether Monty made a decisive contribution to the containment of the German forces on that occasion is debatable - his fans say yes, his detractors no - but one thing is for certain, the crowing press conference he gave on the subject destroyed once and for all any chance he had of being given command over any more American troops.

Richard Attenborough, dir. A Bridge Too Far (1977)

What's more, the complete - and equally avoidable - débâcle which was Operation Market Garden, the airborne assault on Arnhem and the single road leading to it, was presided over and largely designed by Montgomery. Though he attempted later to shuffle off the blame, this should have put paid to his reputation as a master strategist or tactician on the level of Marlborough or Wellington.

Hollywood has had a good deal to say on that subject also - not only in the classic war movie A Bridge Too Far, scripted by William Goldman from Cornelius Ryan's book (albeit with an English director and a largely British cast), but also in the supreme act of American triumphalism that is the TV mini-series Band of Brothers, created by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg in tandem:

Richard Attenborough, dir. Band of Brothers (2001)

Morten Tyldum, dir. The Imitation Game (2014)

"Strange all this difference should be / 'Twixt Tweedledum and Tweedledee" ... Who did actually win the war on the Western Front? Well, if it hadn't been for British intransigence and stubborn refusal to admit that they were defeated in 1940, there wouldn't have been a war to win - there or anywhere else.

Without the resources (both in troops and matériel) provided by the Americans, there couldn't have been a successful invasion of Europe in 1944 or at any other time.

But then, for that matter, without the titanic victories of the Red Army at Stalingrad and Kirsk, the Germans would probably have been able to marshall the resources to overwhelm the fragile Allied bridgehead in Normandy.

All these great nations made immense sacrifices for their common cause - the Russian people far beyond any others. Maybe it's time to suspend these nationalistic squabbles, then, and admit the virtues as well as the vices of the squabbling British and American generals in Italy and Western Europe?

They do, admittedly, read like a pack of prima donnas at times - more concerned with their own press coverage and the number of stars on their shoulders than with winning the war. But, after all, they were victorious. And the Germans were far from being negligible adversaries at any stage.

The Imitation Game is another interesting test case in this discussion. It's far more fictionalised even than Operation Mincemeat, though one can see the dramatic reasons for that. It's also a far better film, mainly due to a taut script and excellent performances from its stellar cast.

Alan Turing (1912-1954)

But, once again, while no praise is sufficient for the genius of Alan Turing, it's a shame that the immensely important part paid by the Poles in the long saga of breaking the Enigma cipher had to be left out entirely from the cinematic record:
The German plugboard-equipped Enigma became the principal crypto-system of the German Reich and later of other Axis powers. In December 1932 it was "broken" by mathematician Marian Rejewski at the Polish General Staff's Cipher Bureau, using mathematical permutation group theory combined with French-supplied intelligence material obtained from a German spy. By 1938 Rejewski had invented a device, the cryptologic bomb, and Henryk Zygalski had devised his sheets, to make the cipher-breaking more efficient. Five weeks before the outbreak of World War II, in late July 1939 at a conference just south of Warsaw, the Polish Cipher Bureau shared its Enigma-breaking techniques and technology with the French and British.
The Imitation Game ends with the statement that the deciphering of the German codes may have shortened the war by two years, and thus saved vast numbers of lives. However, "according to the best qualified judges", these Polish contributions "accelerated the breaking of Enigma by perhaps a year."

Once again, the plucky little Britain narrative has to be pushed at the expense of historical truth. Those of us who "read the book" may know of the superhuman efforts already made to crack Enigma long before Bletchley Park was even born or thought of, but filmgoers are encouraged to see it as yet another example of inspired English amateurism winning the day over stultifying professional inertia.

Perhaps we need to go back as far as the 1962 wide-screen epic The Longest Day, based on the bestseller by Irish-journalist-turned-US-citizen Cornelius Ryan, to see anything resembling even-handed treatment of the respective contributions made by these warring nationalities to their eventual, hard-won success. Would it hurt us so much to try to emulate that attitude today?

Darryl F. Zanuck, prod.: The Longest Day (1962)

Monday, July 15, 2024

Must We Burn Alice Munro?

Simone de Beauvoir: Faut-il brûler Sade ? (1951)

I wrote a post about the Chinoiserie-inflected "Kai Lung" stories of English writer Ernest Bramah a year or so ago. In it, I mentioned Simone de Beauvoir's classic essay Must We Burn de Sade?, first published in the early 1950s. Certainly the ethnic stereotyping and yellow-face clichés with which Bramah's work is saturated are extremely reprehensible by modern standards.

Ernest Bramah: Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry Tree (1940)

And yet ... given that it's the very absurdity and exaggeration of such traits which constitutes the point of these hundred-year-old stories - as well as any humorous content they may contain - it does seem a little like breaking a butterfly on a wheel to insist on explicit public condemnation of his work.

After all, in a world where Robert van Gulik's not dissimilarly flavoured "Judge Dee" detective stories can be filmed by a Chinese production company, for mainland Chinese audiences, conventional ideas of cultural appropriation don't appear to apply so straightforwardly anymore.

But now a far more serious test-case has arisen. Hot on the heels of the accusations of sexual assault against Sandman-creator Neil Gaiman, some truly awful revelations about Nobel-prize-winning Canadian writer Alice Munro have come out in an op-ed article written by her estranged daughter, Andrea Skinner.

Nor is this one of those "he said / she said", Mommy Dearest scandals where true believers can continue to insist on the innocence of their hero. Alice Munro's second husband, Gerald Fremlin, sexually assaulted his stepdaughter Andrea in 1976, when she was nine years old. He was convicted of this offence - for which he received a suspended sentence and two years probation - in 2005.

In 1992, at the age of 25, Andrea Skinner
wrote a letter to Munro, finally coming forward about the abuse.

Munro told her she felt betrayed and likened the abuse to an affair, a response that devastated Skinner, she wrote.

In response, Fremlin wrote letters to Munro and the family, threatening to kill Skinner if she ever went to the police. He blamed Skinner for the abuse and described her as a child as a "home wrecker." He also threatened to expose photos he took of Skinner when she was a girl.
What a prince! It was on the evidence of these letters that he was convicted, however, so he may have overreached a bit there.
Munro went back to Fremlin and stayed with him until he died in 2013 ... Munro allegedly said “that she had been ‘told too late,’ she loved him too much, and that our misogynistic culture was to blame if I expected her to deny her own needs, sacrifice for her children, and make up for the failings of men. She was adamant that whatever had happened was between me and my stepfather. It had nothing to do with her," Skinner wrote in her essay.

Alice Munro (1931-2024)

In any way you've got to hand it to Munro. She certainly came out swinging! And yet the courage and restraint that Andrea Skinner has shown in not airing her own story till her mother was dead seems to me far more admirable.

Nor can I quite follow the reasoning which equates any critique of Tammy Wynette-style standing by your man with "misogyny", but clearly Munro thought it was unreasonable for anyone to expect her to leave her husband for good just because he was a murderous paedophile. Perhaps it is. I can't help feeling that it might slightly inhibit the banter over the conrnflakes each morning, but that's just me.

In his 1944 essay "Benefit of Clergy: Some Notes on Salvador Dali", Orwell grapples with the question of whether or not one can admire the work of someone who is undoubtedly a reprehensible human being. He says of the then recently published Secret Life of Salvador Dali:
If it were possible for a book to give a physical stink off its pages, this one would — a thought that might please Dali, who before wooing his future wife for the first time rubbed himself all over with an ointment made of goat's dung boiled up in fish glue. But against this has to be set the fact that Dali is a draughtsman of very exceptional gifts. He is also, to judge by the minuteness and the sureness of his drawings, a very hard worker. He is an exhibitionist and a careerist, but he is not a fraud. He has fifty times more talent than most of the people who would denounce his morals and jeer at his paintings. And these two sets of facts, taken together, raise a question which for lack of any basis of agreement seldom gets a real discussion.

That question is, I presume, whether or not art can co-exist with depravity. Coming back to Simone de Beauvoir's essay, mentioned above, should the Marquis de Sade be seen as an important writer and thinker, or simply as a revolting cockroach who ought to have been crushed on sight? Orwell continues:
The point is that you have here a direct, unmistakable assault on sanity and decency; and even — since some of Dali's pictures would tend to poison the imagination like a pornographic postcard — on life itself. What Dali has done and what he has imagined is debatable, but in his outlook, his character, the bedrock decency of a human being does not exist. He is as anti-social as a flea. Clearly, such people are undesirable, and a society in which they can flourish has something wrong with it.
The people who simply see him as an undesirable, and refuse even to acknowledge the possibility of any talent in such a deviant, he continues, at any rate have the virtue of consistency:
But if you talk to the kind of person who can see Dali's merits, the response that you get is not as a rule very much better. If you say that Dali, though a brilliant draughtsman, is a dirty little scoundrel, you are looked upon as a savage. If you say that you don't like rotting corpses, and that people who do like rotting corpses are mentally diseased, it is assumed that you lack the aesthetic sense ... On the one side Kulturbolschevismus: on the other (though the phrase itself is out of fashion) ‘Art for Art's sake.’ Obscenity is a very difficult question to discuss honestly. People are too frightened either of seeming to be shocked or of seeming not to be shocked, to be able to define the relationship between art and morals.

Salvador Dalí: The Great Masturbator (1929)

In the age of "cancel culture" (so-called), these questions have become even harder to debate. However, as Beauvoir reminds us, burning Sade - or banning his works and pillorying anyone who dares to read them - is unlikely to advance us in our attempts to understand the stranger recesses of human psychology.

In my younger days, I felt very strongly that (in Thomas Hardy's words):
if way to the Better there be, it exacts a full look at the Worst.
In fact I wrote a whole novel in this spirit, Nights with Giordano Bruno (2000). It was characterised as follows by a local reviewer:
The untitled cover of this book opens to horrors akin to those of Pandora. Not all the contents are evil but the spirit of darkness certainly prevails.

Andrei Tarkovsky: Sculpting in Time (1986)

"Not all the contents are evil." Fortunately this was not the view which prevailed among other reviewers and readers, most of whom seemed to have a pretty good idea what I was driving at.

Perhaps the best way to sum it up is in the words of the Russian film director Andrei Tarkovsky, who said in his book of essays on cinema, Sculpting in Time:
To tell of what is living, the artist uses something dead; to speak of the infinite, he describes the finite.
Unable to speak of heaven without descending into banality, instead you might choose to describe one of the many hells - a much easier assignment! By portraying that one thing, however, the lines of its antithesis are also being made out at the same time, by implication.

It sounds paradoxical, but it's really not. It's much harder to draw a saint than a villain, but to make your saint believable is virtually impossible. That's not to say that saintliness is an undesirable attribute, however. We could do with far, far more of them. And I'm convinced that they do exist. I'm just not one of them.

Sarah Polley, dir.: Away from Her (2006)

Nor, it appears, was Alice Munro. Before all this erupted, I had two main associations with her work.

The first was the Sarah Polley film above, based on Munro's 1999 story "The Bear Came Over the Mountain". The grim paradox in the plot is that a man who is forced to institutionalise his wife, who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease, then has to watch her shift her affections to another man, Aubrey, a wheelchair-bound mute at the same nursing home. She becomes convinced that it is Aubrey with whom she has had a long-term relationship, whereas her actual husband is now a stranger to her.

The film (and the story) are poignant and powerful, but there's a certain coldness and cruelty behind the idea which explains at least part of its success, it seems to me.

The second thing was a short story conference in Shanghai which Bronwyn and I attended in 2016. After a while it became apparent that virtually all of the earnest young graduate students there were working on Alice Munro, and (accordingly) giving papers on her stories. She was definitely the author du jour for them.

This came as a bit of a surprise to those of us still enmeshed in the web of Raymond Carver and the dirty realists. Alice Munro? Who she? We determined to find out, so one of the first things we did when we got home was to buy a copy of the Everyman edition of her selected stories, pictured near the top of this post.

I can't say I was particularly turned on by her work. I could see how it accomplished it was, but it didn't seem quite my sort of thing.

Now, in retrospect, the plot of Away from Her seems more meaningful than ever. For a start, Munro herself suffered from dementia "for at least 12 years". The idea that the wife needs her new relationship, with the wheelchair-bound mute Aubrey, more than the former one with her actual husband is also a suggestive one. It may seem illogical to outsiders, but it's truer to her own emotional temperature.

The horrible, almost unpalatable truth about this scandal based on a mother's failure to support or even empathise with her own daughter, is that it's likely to do nothing but good to Munro's career. There may be a few temporary blips in sales, but more readers are drawn to turbulent, demon-ridden souls such as Dostoyevsky and Dickens than they are to the sanity and order of better-balanced authors.

Did Dickens lose any readers over the late revelation of his cruel rejection of his wife in order to pursue an affair with the young actress Nelly Ternan? Nelly, it seems, had little choice in the matter - neither did Mrs. Dickens. His saccharine morality showed its pinchbeck quality once and for all in his later life. And yet we continue to pore over the complexities of his last fictions, full of young heroines sacrificing themselves for self-pitying older men.

Mikhail Petrashevsky: Dostoyevsky's mock execution (1849)

Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a gambler, a drunkard, a rabid anti-semite. He appears to have suffered from lifelong PTSD after experiencing a mock execution in front of one of the Tsar's firing squads, followed by exile to Siberia. As a result, it's not hard for us to believe in the appallingly damaged characters who inhabit such novels as Crime and Punishment or The Devils.

I must confess to having yawned once or twice when I first started reading Munro's stories. They didn't engage me as much as the works of (say) her near contemporaries Margaret Atwood or Ursula Le Guin. Now, however, there's more of a demonic edge to them. It's perfectly possible - even likely - that she could feel her own mind going as she watched the horrid ironies of her own short story reenacted by the actors in Close to Her.

Nor can she have been blind to the fact that her dirty little secret was bound to come out in the end. Just as the illegitimate daughter whose very existence Wordsworth hid from the world was eventually discovered, giving the lie to so many of his more pompous moral pronouncements - but also explaining so much about him and his transformation from youthful rebel to faithful servant of the establishment - so Munro's hateful attitude towards her own daughter must have continued to nag at her as she conducted her minute analyses of the mindsets and actions of provincial Canadians.

We haven't stopped reading him yet, and no doubt the same will apply to Alice Munro. However much we might deplore their actions, this tends to have the paradoxical effect of deepening our interest in their writings, rather than erasing it.

Alison Bechdel: The Secret To Superhuman Strength (2021)

Alice Munro (2006)

Alice Ann Munro (née Laidlaw)

Books I own are marked in bold:

  1. Dance of the Happy Shades (1968)
  2. Lives of Girls and Women (1971)
  3. Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You (1974)
  4. Who Do You Think You Are? [aka "The Beggar Maid: Stories of Flo and Rose"] (1978)
  5. The Moons of Jupiter (1982)
  6. The Progress of Love (1986)
  7. Friend of My Youth (1990)
  8. Open Secrets (1994)
  9. The Love of a Good Woman (1998)
  10. Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage [aka "Away from Her"] (2001)
    • Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage: Stories. London: Chatto & Windus, 2001.
  11. Runaway (2004)
    • Runaway: Stories. Introduction by Jonathan Franzen. 2004. Vintage Books. London: Random House, 2005.
  12. The View from Castle Rock (2006)
  13. Too Much Happiness (2009)
  14. Dear Life (2012)

  15. Compilations:

  16. Selected Stories 1968-1994 [aka "A Wilderness Station: Selected Stories, 1968–1994"] (1996)
  17. No Love Lost (2003)
  18. Vintage Munro (2004)
  19. Carried Away: A Selection of Stories [aka "Alice Munro's Best: A Selection of Stories"]. Introduction by Margaret Atwood (2006)
    • Carried Away: A Selection of Stories. Introduction by Margaret Atwood. 2006. Everyman’s Library, 302. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2008.
  20. My Best Stories (2009)
  21. New Selected Stories (2011)
  22. Lying Under the Apple Tree. New Selected Stories (2014)
  23. Family Furnishings: Selected Stories 1995–2014 (2014)

Alice Munro & her family:
l-to-r: Jenny, Sheila, Alice & Andrea

Monday, July 01, 2024

My new book Haunts is available today!

Unpacking Copies of Haunts (27/6/24)
[photograph: Bronwyn Lloyd

The official publication date for my new collection of short stories, Haunts, is today, Monday 1st July, 2024.

Cover image: Graham Fletcher (by courtesy of the artist) /
Cover design: Daniela Gast (2024)

As you can see, it does bear a certain resemblance to my previous collection, Ghost Stories, also published by Lasavia Publishing five years ago.

Cover image: Graham Fletcher (by courtesy of the artist) /
Cover design: Daniela Gast (2019)

Once again, it's been a great pleasure to work on the book with the Lasavia team: editor Mike Johnson, and designers Daniela Gast & Rowan Johnson. Again, just like last time, I owe a big thank you to Graham Fletcher for the use of his cover image, and (as ever) to my brilliant wife Bronwyn Lloyd for invaluable advice at every stage. Thanks, too, to Tracey Slaughter for her comments on the typescript at a crucial point of the process.

So what is the book about? The easiest thing might just be to quote from the blurb:
'As Jack Ross stated in his latest collection Ghost Stories, ‘We’re most haunted by that which we’ve worked hardest to deny and eradicate from our lives.'
- Brooke Georgia, Aubade (2022)
What do we actually mean by the word haunt? In this new set of stories inspired by the term, Jack Ross invokes a series of his favourite haunts via voices from the past, beginning with Samuel Butler’s Erewhon and concluding with Emanuel Swedenborg.
In between he visits with Irish ghost-story maestro Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, along with others ranging from James Joyce to H. P. Lovecraft – not to mention Scheherazade herself, creator / narrator of The 1001 Nights.
Most importantly of all, perhaps, he tries to settle accounts with his own father, the architect of a vast entangled empire of native bush and weeds at the back of their suburban quarter-acre section in Mairangi Bay.
The book ends with the novella Cartographies of the Afterlife, an exploration of the penumbra between life and death, based on accounts from recent visitors.
In the immortal words of Bette Davis: ‘Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night.’

Jack Ross is the author of six poetry collections, four novels, and four books of short fiction. His previous collection, Ghost Stories (Lasavia, 2019), has been prescribed for writing courses at three local universities. He’s also edited numerous books, anthologies, and literary journals, including (most recently) Mike Johnson’s Selected Poems (2023).
He blogs at

Brooke Georgia: Aubade (26/3-17/4/2022)

The quote featured above comes from the catalogue for Brooke Georgia's solo exhibition Aubade, at Public Record in Ponsonby.

Another vital question is how you can obtain a copy of the book? We're planning a booklaunch a bit later in the year, but in the meantime, if you'd like to order one online, it's available from the following websites:

Should you buy a copy? Well, obviously, that's between you and your conscience, but I'll conclude by quoting a few extracts from the Lasavia manifesto, written by Waiheke poet and novelist Mike Johnson:
‘When Leila Lees and I first considered establishing Lasavia Publishing, less than one in a hundred manuscripts submitted to publishers reached publication. ... Manuscripts submitted to publishers were, and still are, routinely returned unopened. ‘Mechanisms of exclusion’ as Foucault called them, are rife in the present publishing climate, particularly in New Zealand.

... Publishers distrust the wild card, that which might put readers too far out of their comfort zones, as if comfort was somehow the purpose of literature. Both writers and readers lose out. Real grass roots work is lost or supplanted by celebrity culture. Only indy publishers, who don’t have to carry the overheads of big publishers, will be light enough on their feet to thrive in the new publishing environment."
Recent books issued by Lasavia include Max Gunn's Paybook, a novel by Graham Lindsay; Aucklanders, a collection of stories by Murray Edmond; and Mike Johnson's own Selected Poems, fruit of five decades' work in the medium.

Isabel Michell: Luigi checks it out (1/7/24)

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Auden's Elegies of Exile

W. H. Auden: Another Time (1940)

In 1819, John Keats composed six odes, which are among his most famous and well-regarded poems. Keats wrote the first five poems, "Ode on a Grecian Urn", "Ode on Indolence", "Ode on Melancholy", "Ode to a Nightingale", and "Ode to Psyche" in quick succession during the spring, and he composed "To Autumn" in September. While the exact order in which Keats composed the poems is unknown, some critics contend that they form a thematic whole if arranged in sequence.
If you know any lines of Keats's poetry by heart, chances are they come from one of these odes: ""Beauty is truth, truth beauty," — that is all / Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know" from "Ode on a Grecian Urn"; "Charmed magic casements, opening on the foam / Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn" from "Ode to a Nightingale"; or even "Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, / Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun" from "To Autumn".

I would suggest that there's a similar set of poems to be found among W. H. Auden's multifarious poetical works. Let's call them the elegies of exile. They were all written over the period 1939-1941, after Auden had moved to America, and appear to constitute a close examination of just what exactly he'd left behind by relocating to this new country:
  1. In Memory of W. B. Yeats (February 1939)
  2. In Memory of Ernst Toller (May 1939)
  3. September 1, 1939 (September 1939)
  4. In Memory of Sigmund Freud (November 1939)
  5. At the Grave of Henry James (Spring 1941)

  6. [NB: The dates given above are those of composition, rather than of first publication.]
The first four of them appeared as a group, along with "Spain 1937", in his 1940 volume Another Time. The slightly later "At the Grave of Henry James" was first collected in book form in the 1945 compendium The Collected Poetry of W. H. Auden.

"Spain 1937", which opens the set of six "Occasional Poems" in Another Time, certainly has strong sylistic affinities with the others, but is more engagé than elegiac in tone, as befits a poem written at the height of the Spanish Civil War, when the two sides seemed almost equally poised between victory and defeat. Its first appearance was as a Faber pamphlet, with all profits donated to the Spanish Medical Aid Committee.

W. H. Auden: Spain (1937)

Some, too, would question the inclusion of "September 1, 1939" among this group of elegies. It does, after all, commemorate not so much a particular person as a whole era: the "low dishonest decade" of the 1930s. Given Auden's statement that Freud was "no more a person / now but a whole climate of opinion," along with similarly exemplary claims for his other three subjects, this seems to me a reasonable concession.

I've written about some of these poems before. In fact, I've used three of them as frames for my discussions of, respectively, Sigmund Freud, Henry James, and W. B. Yeats. Never mind. There's a lot more to be said about each of them.

Mind you, Auden made this set of elegies rather inaccessible to readers by excluding both "Spain 1937" and "September 1, 1939" from his oeuvre after Faber's Collected Shorter Poems 1930-1944. "Omissions are not accidents," as Marianne Moore reminds us in her own (so-called) Complete Poems (1967). Auden gives his reasons for leaving out "Spain 1937" in the foreword to Collected Shorter Poems 1927-1957:

Some poems which I wrote and, unfortunately, published, I have thrown out because they were dishonest, or bad-mannered, or boring.
A dishonest poem is one which expresses, no matter how well, feelings or beliefs which its author never felt or entertained ... shamefully, I once wrote:
History to the defeated
May say alas but cannot help nor pardon.
To say this is to equate goodness with success. It would have been bad enough if I had ever held this wicked doctrine, but that I should have stated it because it sounded to me rhetorically effective is quite inexcusable.
Whether or not that's an accurate summary of the two lines in question is beside the point. The later, more pious Auden saw them as potentially misleading to readers. Similarly, he remarked in a letter to Scottish novelist Naomi Mitchison:
The reason (artistic) I left England and went to the U.S. was precisely to stop me writing poems like ‘Sept 1 1939’, the most dishonest poem I have ever written.
- Quoted from Spencer Lenfield: Why Auden Left: “September 1, 1939” and British Cultural Life. Journal of the History of Ideas Blog (9/12/2015)
His specific gripe against the poem seems to have centred on the line: "We must love one another or die." “That’s a damned lie! We must die anyway,” was Auden's later conclusion about this ringing cri de coeur, much lauded by E. M. Forster and other readers at the time.

After toying with a revision to "We must love one another and die," and then (in the 1945 Collected Poetry of W. H. Auden) complete omission of the second-to-last stanza, the one that contains it, he decided to ditch the poem altogether.

What better way to draw attention to something than by trying to restrict access to it, though? Perhaps partly as a result, it's become one of the most quoted - and debated - poems of the twentieth century.

So, if there is an intentional structure to these five poems of Auden's, what is it? The original group of six in Another Time concluded with an "Epithalamion," written to celebrate the marriage of Auden's sister-in-law Elisabeth Mann (daughter of Thomas Mann) to Giuseppe Antonio Borgese on November 23, 1939:
While explosives blow to dust
Friends and hopes, we cannot pray,
Absolute conviction must
Seem the whole of life to youth,
Battle's stupid gross event
Keep all learning occupied:
Yet the seed becomes the tree;
Happier savants may decide
That this quiet wedding of
A Borgese and a Mann
Planted human unity;
Hostile kingdoms of the truth,
Fighting fragments of content,
Here were reconciled by love
Modern policy begun
On this day.
- Quoted from: The Collected Poetry of W. H. Auden (New York: Random House, 1945): 171-75.
While this may have been a creditable attempt to close off the public conversation begun in "Spain 1937", it hardly rings true when you consider what was waiting in the wings for the whole of Western civilisation by the end of 1939. A "quiet wedding" between the daughter of an exiled German sage and the representative of an Italian noble family was hardly likely to plant the seeds of "human unity", and to reconcile "hostile kingdoms of the truth" with love alone!

All in all, this optimistic paean to the reconciliation of the nations really is an occasional poem - privately printed by Auden, and distributed gratis to the wedding guests at the ceremony in Princeton.

It therefore seems to me reasonable to argue that - if a capstone is actually required for this group of elegies written under the shadow of war - "At the Grave of Henry James" has a far better claim to be considered in that light. James, too, died in the midst of a world war. And it was, after all, James who - in an interview he gave to the New York Times in 1915 - lamented that the war had “used up words; they have weakened, they have deteriorated like motor car tires.”

I've therefore attempted, in the discussions of each of these five poems below, to do justice to the complexity of Auden's feelings about the oncoming war. Not that he was unique in this. The prospect of a renewal of conflict just twenty years after the apocalyptic "war to end all wars" seems to have puzzled as much as it horrified those who witnessed these events.

I would argue, then, that each of Auden's elegies - prompted chronologically though they were by the actual deaths of real people - takes on a symbolic role: we are presented, in turn, with an Anglo-Irish nationalist poet, a German-Jewish political playwright, an insane Russian dancer, an Austrian-Jewish mind doctor, and finally an immensely scrupulous Anglo-American novelist. Each of them was - in one sense or another - an exile.

Between them, they cover an impressive number of angles on the "unmentionable odour of death [offending] the September night", right at the beginning of the Second World War.

Marekbartelik’s Blog: Ants (12/5/2021)

Irish Newspaper Archive: The Death of W. B. Yeats (28/1/1939)

William Butler Yeats

Anglo-Irish poet and playwright. Co-founded, with Lady Gregory, the Abbey Theatre in Dublin. Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923 "for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation".

In Memory of W. B. Yeats
(February, 1939)

He disappeared in the dead of winter:
The brooks were frozen, the airports almost deserted,
And snow disfigured the public statues;
The mercury sank in the mouth of the dying day.
What instruments we have agree
The day of his death was a dark cold day.

W. B. Yeats spent most of his life in exile. When he was in London, he dreamed of being in Galway, on the Lake Isle of Innisfree. However, when he took his wife for a row on the lake many years later, he was unable to locate that one amongst all the other small islands.

He may have been the most Irish of poets, but he didn't speak - or write in - Irish. Nor was he often there. Even the much vaunted tower, Thoor Ballylee, he moved into in the 1920s was never really a permanent abode.

It therefore seems rather appropriate for him to have died while convalescing in the South of France, rather than in either England or Ireland. Shipping him back home after the war was not the easiest of procedures, either. There's still a strong suspicion that they picked the wrong corpse.

In any case, whoever it is who's buried there, there's now a tombstone in Drumcliff Churchyard which more or less matches the prescriptions in his Villonesque last-will-and-testament poem "Under Ben Bulben":
Under bare Ben Bulben's head
In Drumcliff churchyard Yeats is laid,
An ancestor was rector there
Long years ago; a church stands near,
By the road an ancient Cross.
No marble, no conventional phrase,
On limestone quarried near the spot
By his command these words are cut:
Cast a cold eye
On life, on death.
Horseman, pass by!

Yeats Thoor Ballylee Society: Yeats's Bones (1946)

I should know, as I spent a quarter of an hour trying to find it there one day in 1987, only to discover the friend I was driving around Ireland with standing smirking in front of it. It's actually the first thing you come to when you step out of the carpark ...
Now he is scattered among a hundred cities
And wholly given over to unfamiliar affections,
To find his happiness in another kind of wood
And be punished under a foreign code of conscience.
The words of a dead man
Are modified in the guts of the living.
That reference to being "punished" is interesting. For Auden, Yeats was an immensely seductive example of how not to conduct yourself. Yeats was always (in Auden's view) saying things because he found them "rhetorically effective," regardless of whether or not he actually believed them.

In fact Yeats virtually admitted as much in another late poem, "The Circus Animals' Desertion":
Winter and summer till old age began
My circus animals were all on show,
Those stilted boys, that burnished chariot,
Lion and woman and the Lord knows what.
And yet, looking back at all the opinions he himself had spouted during the 1930s, Auden had to admit that he, too, was fatally drawn to striking attitudes, to the "skyline operations" he decried in the early poem "Missing" (1929):
I know that all the verse I wrote, all the positions I took in the thirties, didn't save a single Jew. These attitudes, these writings, only help oneself.
- quoted from W. H. Auden: A Tribute, ed. Stephen Spender (1975): 89.
Auden once referred to the long poem The Sea and the Mirror (1944) as his Ars Poetica: his own version of the Latin poet Horace's versified manual for poets. That may well be, but I'd prefer to see this elegy for Yeats as a far more compact set of lesssons for writers in general. However far Yeats may have wandered from the path of rectitude, no-one can deny the sheer power of his words and his example:
You were silly like us; your gift survived it all:
The parish of rich women, physical decay,
Yourself. Mad Ireland hurt you into poetry.
Judge not lest ye be judged, in other words. The poem continues:
Now Ireland has her madness and her weather still,
For poetry makes nothing happen: it survives
In the valley of its making where executives
Would never want to tamper, flows on south
From ranches of isolation and the busy griefs,
Raw towns that we believe and die in; it survives,
A way of happening, a mouth.
Originally, in 1940, that third line read "the valley of its saying" - not of "making" - as you can see in the text quoted below. (I've used the later, revised texts of each of these elegies in my discussions, but the original 1940s texts are all preserved at the foot of this post).

Is there very much difference? Not a lot, perhaps, but it's interesting that Auden has shifted from the idea of the poet as spokesperson to the poet as crafter. Executives beware!

The third, concluding section of the poem contains some of Auden's most famous and resonant lines. In fact, some of them are inscribed on his own tombstone in Westminster Abbey:
Follow, poet, follow right
To the bottom of the night,
With your unconstraining voice
Still persuade us to rejoice;

In the deserts of the heart
Let the healing fountain start,
In the prison of his days
Teach the free man how to praise.

Westminster Abbey: Poet's Corner (1974)

Lydia Gibson: Portrait of Ernst Toller (c.1925)

Ernst Toller

German-Jewish playwright, famous for anti-war plays such as Transfiguration [Die Wandlung] (1919), Hinkemann [Der deutsche Hinkemann] (1923), and Hoppla, We're Alive! [Hoppla, wir leben!] (1927). Imprisoned for five years for his part in setting up the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic in 1919, he was exiled from Germany in 1933, and emigrated to America in 1936. He hanged himself in his New York hotel room, after laying out on his hotel desk "photos of Spanish children who had been killed by fascist bombs". A friend of his, Robert Payne, wrote in his diary that Toller had said shortly before his death:
"If ever you read that I committed suicide, I beg you not to believe it." Payne continued: "He hanged himself with the silk cord of his nightgown in a hotel in New York two years ago. This is what the newspapers said at the time, but I continue to believe that he was murdered".
- Wikipedia: Ernst Toller

The shining neutral summer has no voice
To judge America, or ask how a man dies;
And the friends who are sad and the enemies who rejoice

Are chased by their shadows lightly away from the grave
Of one who was egotistical and brave,
Lest they should learn without suffering how to forgive.
The only one of Ernst Toller's plays I myself have a copy of is "Hinkemann". It's included in volume 2 of a set of German Expressionist plays I picked up in a second-hand shop: Vision and Aftermath: Four Expressionist War Plays, ed. & trans. J. M. Ritchie & J. D. Stowell (London: Calder & Boyars, 1969). It's been produced a number of times, under a number of titles - "The Red Laugh" and "Bloody Laughter" (US, 1923); "Brokenbrow" (UK, 1926); and, mostly recently, "Broken," in a 2011 adaptation by English dramatist Torben Betts.

Even at the time he must have seemed a far less prominent subject for an elegy than most of the others chosen by Auden. Auden knew him quite well, it would appear - both in Germany and subsequently in New York. Certainly he was the most directly political among this set of people who died in 1939 - and (apart from Freud) the only suicide among them.

Perhaps it's for this reason that Auden addresses him mainly in psychoanalytical terms:
What was it, Ernst, that your shadow unwittingly said?
Did the child see something horrid in the woodshed
Long ago? Or had the Europe which took refuge in your head

Already been too injured to get well?
For just how long,like the swallows in that other cell,
Had the bright little longings been flying in to tell

About the big friendly death outside,
Where people do not occupy or hide;
No towns like Munich; no need to write?
The reference to the "shadow" makes it probable that it's the Jungian rather than the Freudian model of the human personality Auden is relying on here.

Stella Gibbons: Cold Comfort Farm (1932)

However, Auden expert Nicholas Jenkins also sees in those lines "Did the child see something horrid in the woodshed / Long ago?" a possible reference to Stella Gibbons' comic classic Cold Comfort Farm, one of whose characters, Aunt Ada Doom, became deranged as a result of an incident in childhood:
When you were small – so small the lightest puff of breeze blew your little crinoline skirt over your head – you had seen something nasty in the woodshed.
Is there an element of black humour in this poem, too? Certainly Auden seems to identify an element of relief in this decision to give up the fight to keep your end up amongst unsympathetic foreigners:
Dear Ernst, lie shadowless at last among
The other war-horses who existed till they’d done
Something that was an example to the young.
Is that how he too felt at times? The Auden who'd written "Today the struggle" in "Spain 1937" surely felt a certain liberation in the idea that it might not be necessary - or even desirable - to live anymore as an example to others:
We are lived by powers we pretend to understand:
They arrange our loves; it is they who direct at the end
The enemy bullet, the sickness, or even our hand.

It is their to-morrow hangs over the earth of the living
And all that we wish for our friends; but existing is believing
We know for whom we mourn and who is grieving.
My own reading of this poem, then, is that it may be the one closest to Auden's heart - and therefore the most masked and mysterious - of the whole group. Once the comic element creeps in (as it so often does in Auden's poetry) it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish grand guignol from camp.

It puts me in mind, in fact, of another short verse by Auden, written in a copy of the then poet laureate Robert Bridges' long poem The Testament of Beauty presented to his friend Christopher Isherwood:
He isn't like us
He isn't a crook
The man is a heter
Who wrote this book.
- quoted from W. H. Auden: A Tribute, ed. Stephen Spender (1975): 79.

Robert Bridges (1844-1930): The Testament of Beauty (1929)

Romola Nijinsky, ed.: The Diary of Vaslav Nijinsky (1937)

Vaslav Nijinsky

Russian ballet dancer and choreographer, often described as the greatest male dancer of the early 20th century. After leaving his lover Diaghilev's Ballets Russes in 1913, he married Romola de Pulszky, and undertook independent tours of South America and the United States. His mental health deteriorated during the war, and he wrote his celebrated "Diary" in Switzerland in 1919. Among various comments he makes in it about Diaghilev, the most striking is:
Some politicians are hypocrites like Diaghilev, who does not want universal love, but to be loved alone. I want universal love.

September 1, 1939
(September, 1939)

The windiest militant trash
Important Persons shout
Is not so crude as our wish:
What mad Nijinsky wrote
About Diaghilev
Is true of the normal heart;
For the error bred in the bone
Of each woman and each man
Craves what it cannot have,
Not universal love
But to be loved alone.
Auden's "September 1, 1939" is clearly - on one level, at least - a response to Yeats's great lament "Easter 1916", written hard on the heels of the doomed rebellion against the English led by Patrick Pearse and James Connolly.

Let's compare the openings of each poem. Here's Yeats:
I have met them at close of day
Coming with vivid faces
From counter or desk among grey
Eighteenth-century houses.
I have passed with a nod of the head
Or polite meaningless words,
Or have lingered awhile and said
Polite meaningless words,
And thought before I had done
Of a mocking tale or a gibe
To please a companion
Around the fire at the club,
Being certain that they and I
But lived where motley is worn:
All changed, changed utterly:
A terrible beauty is born.
And here's Auden, some twenty years later:
I sit in one of the dives
On Fifty-second Street
Uncertain and afraid
As the clever hopes expire
Of a low dishonest decade:
Waves of anger and fear
Circulate over the bright
And darkened lands of the earth,
Obsessing our private lives;
The unmentionable odour of death
Offends the September night.
Yeats's sonorous 16-line stanza has shrunk to Auden's uneven eleven lines. Yeats's slow trimeters have condensed into Auden's own pacey, staccato three-beat lines. Where Yeats goes off to the club, Auden sits in a dive. Where Yeats is entranced by the "terrible beauty" which has somehow been born, Auden can smell only "the unmentionable odour of death."

But the two poems have a certain amount in common, too. Both begin directly, in the first person, and then shift to a more philosophical distance from the events they chronicle. Both poets are a long, long way from the action: Yeats in London; Auden in New York - and therefore far from any particular consequences from what they have to say.

Partisan Review 6: 3 (Spring 1939)

In his 1939 Partisan Review article "The Public vs. the late Willliam Butler Yeats," Auden admitted that 'Easter 1916":
has been called a masterpiece. It is. To succeed at such a time in writing a poem which could offend neither the Irish Republican nor the British Army was indeed a masterly achievement.
- The English Auden. Ed. Edward Mendelson. 1977 (London: Faber, 1986): 390.
That certainly is a damning indictment, and it seems a terrible irony that, in the same year he wrote this article, he himself committed the same sin. After all, who (besides its author) was actually offended by "September 1, 1939"? Its ringing diction and sweeping vision sounds more and more Yeatsian the longer it goes on.

The Defence in Auden's article goes on to explain that "Poets ... stop writing poetry when they stop reacting to the world they live in":
The later Wordsworth is not inferior to the earlier because the poet had altered his political opinions, but because he had ceased to think and feel so strongly, a change which happens, alas, to most of us as we grow older.
Yeats, by contrast, he argues, confronts us with:
the amazing spectacle of a man of great poetic talent, whose capacity for excitement not only remained with him to the end, but actually increased. In two hundred years ... who but a historian will care a button whether the deceased was right about the Irish question or wrong about the transmigration of souls?
"But because the excitement out of which his poems arose was genuine, they will still ... be capable of exciting others."

This remark, too, sounds a little ironic in retrospect. While this may well be true of late Yeats, I suspect that most readers would concur that it's not really true of the later Auden. He, like Wordsworth, "ceased to think and feel so strongly," and a good deal of that may have come from his refusal to accept the rhetorical compromises Yeats continued to experiment with, even in his last years.

But it was a conscious choice that Auden made. He understood what he was doing in abandoning the high manner of "September 1, 1939", and instead attempting to forge a more honest, more democratic poetic diction out of the new Americanised argot he had decided to inhabit instead.

Overall, was it a success or a failure? Few of us, if given the choice, would trade the early Auden for the later one - but there's no doubt that the direction of English poetry over the past fifty or so years has been far more vitally influenced by the latter than the former. Luckily, as readers, we can continue to read him in both of his manners, all of his various moods. Standing still and repeating what you've already done is seldom the right strategy in art or in life.

The Open University: Yeats and Auden (1976)

Sigmund Freud in his study

Sigmund Freud

German-Jewish doctor, founder of psychoanalysis. He was forced into exile in London by the Nazis after Hitler's Anschluss with Austria in 1938.

In Memory of Sigmund Freud
(November, 1939)

Of course they called on God, but he went his way
down among the lost people like Dante, down
to the stinking fosse where the injured
lead the ugly life of the rejected,

and showed us what evil is, not, as we thought,
deeds that must be punished, but our lack of faith,
our dishonest mood of denial,
the concupiscence of the oppressor.
When I first showed signs of wanting to dabble in Freudian criticism, I recall being instructed by my Masters supervisor Don Smith to read all three volumes of Ernest Jones' Life of Freud. There was an easily available Penguin abridgement available, but he told me that it was important to study the whole thing.

Ernest Jones: The Life of Sigmund Freud (3 vols: 1953-57)

It was quite a revelation to me, I must admit. Of course I knew the basics of the Oedipus complex, the structure of the Ego, and the other building-blocks of Freud's model of the mind, but the details of his struggle to explore this new cosmos - along with the vanity, the back-biting, the personal animosities which surrounded the growth of this new faith, as they did the early days of Christianity or any other religion - were instrumental in convincing me that it had to be treated seriously.

Since then I've developed a taste for Jung, as well - anathema to all true Freudians - and have to come to see such models of the psyche more as "metaphors for poetry" (in Yeats's phrase) than as scientific descriptions of the nature of the human personality.

Freud remains a hero to me, though, as he clearly was for Auden. There has, of course, been much debunking since then of the old man and his compromises with this, that, and the other piece of data. At the very least one has to concede to him that he was a great writer. His case studies are models for the deconstruction of texts: just as his work in general offered artists of the time - in virtually all genres - new ways to present their aperçus.

His great metaphors - the pleasure principle, the death instinct - continue to shape our thinking even now. Even if psychologists have thrown up their hands and refused to acknowledge any benefit in ideas such as "the unconscious mind", storytellers continue to benefit from them.

All that is foreshadowed in Auden's extraordinary poem: one of the very richest of this extremely crucial time in his life.

Henry James in his study

Henry James

Anglo-American novelist, famed for the complexity (and obscurity) of his late prose style, as exemplified by such works as The Ambassadors and The Golden Bowl.

The snow, less intransigeant than their marble,
Has left the defence of whiteness to these tombs,
And all the pools at my feet
Accommodate blue now, echo such clouds as occur
To the sky, and whatever bird or mourner the passing
Moment remarks they repeat.

While rocks, named after singular spaces
Within which images wandered once that caused
All to tremble and offend,
Stand here in an innocent stillness, each marking the spot
Where one more series of errors lost its uniqueness
And novelty came to an end.
Auden had a long and complex relationship with Henry James. In his last years he apparently used to tell an anecdote about being asked by a telephone repair man to keep on talking until the latter could detect the problem on the line. Instead of random chatter, Auden chose to recite from memory a long passage from Henry James's travel book The American Scene (1907). One witness described it as follows:
It was impressive. It was moving. It was less impressive when one heard him doing it again a short time later - and even less so when one heard it once more from another corner of the room.
It's a bit like the horrifying account of the man who came to repair Coleridge's chair, and heard him make precisely the same "impromptu" speech six or seven times over to successive waves of visitors ...
To whose real advantage were such transactions,
When worlds of reflection were exchanged for trees?
What living occasion can
Be just to the absent? Noon but reflects on itself,
And the small taciturn stone, that is the only witness
To a great and talkative man,

Has no more judgement than my ignorant shadow
Of odious comparisons or distant clocks
Which challenge and interfere
With the heart's instantaneous reading of time, time that is
A warm enigma no longer to you for whom I
Surrender my private cheer,

Then there's "Caliban to the Audience", the long monologue couched in the most elaborately Jamesian terms which the character Caliban contributes to Auden's long poem The Sea and the Mirror (1944).
As I stand awake on our solar fabric,
That primary machine, the earth, which gendarmes, banks
And aspirin pre-suppose,
On which the clumsy and sad may all sit down, and any who will
Say their a-ha to the beautiful, the common locus
Of the Master and the rose,

Shall I not especially bless you as, vexed with
My little inferior questions, I stand
Above the bed where you rest,
Who opened such passionate arms to your Bon when it ran
Towards you with Its overwhelming reasons pleading
All beautifully in Its breast?
Auden also had a long-standing fascination with the figure of Caliban, whom he once played in a school production in such a way as to make it clear - to himself and his closest friends, at any rate - that this aboriginal inhabitant of the island was its sole worthy inheritor. The Imperial and colonial values taught at his Public School, and embodied in the figure of Prospero, were not those which inspired him.

His choice of Jamesian diction for Caliban was also a reaction against Victorian poet Robert Browning's "Caliban upon Setebos", where the curious beliefs of this barbaric subman were held up for the disgust of the audience. Auden's Caliban, by contrast, is only too eloquent, reflecting learnedly and wittedly on the complex - but necessary - inter-relationship of life and art.
With what an innocence your hand submitted
To those formal rules that help a child to play,
While your heart, fastidious as
A delicate nun, remained true to the rare noblesse
Of your lucid gift and, for its love, ignored the
Resentful muttering Mass,

Whose ruminant hatred of all that cannot
Be simplified or stolen is yet at large:
No death can assuage its lust
To vilify the landscape of Distinction and see
The heart of the Personal brought to a systolic standstill,
The Tall to diminished dust.
So what precisely did James mean to Auden? On the one hand, his elaborate, over-nuanced speech was the quintessence of camp. On the other hand, there was the genuine kindliness and consideration which lay behind these final elaborations of careful politeness: "the truest poetry", after all (as Shakespeare taught us), "is the most feigning."
Preserve me, Master, from its vague incitement;
Yours be the disciplinary image that holds
Me back from agreeable wrong
And the clutch of eddying Muddle, lest Proportion shed
The alpine chill of her shrugging editorial shoulder
On my loose impromptu song.

All will be judged. Master of nuance and scruple,
Pray for me and for all writers, living or dead:
Because there are many whose works
Are in better taste than their lives, because there is no end
To the vanity of our calling, make intercession
For the treason of all clerks.
In the end, James seems to have been a kind of Saint of Letters for Auden. He was both infinitely susceptible to parody and infinitely loveable at the same time. He'd more-or-less successfully made the crossing from the New World to the Old and made this "international theme" the subject of his work.

Auden desired above all things to accomplish this passage in reverse: to go from the Old to the New. At this point it was almost impossible for him to say just how the experiment would pan out. No wonder he felt the need to memorise long passages from The American Scene ...

Henry James: The American Scene (1907)

W. H. Auden: For the Time Being (1944)

It's not that there aren't other elegies in his Auden's collected works: there's a 1953 one for his cat Lucina ("At peace under this mandarin, sleep, Lucina); "Memorial for the City" (1949), for Charles Williams; "Friday's Child" (1958), for Dietrich Bonhoeffer; culminating in the long piece "The Cave of Making" (July 1964), for Louis MacNeice.

There are also a number of epitaphs - 'On a Tyrant' (January 1939), 'The Unknown Citizen' (March 1939). These are two slightly different things: witness Ben Jonson's Shakespeare Epitaph ("The figure that thou here seest put ...") and Elegy ("To the Memory of My Beloved the Author, Mr. William Shakespeare"), both of which are included in the First Folio.

Auden was also very keen, especially at this mid-point in his career, on writing profiles of other writers: A. E. Housman (1938), Herman Melville (1939), Arthur Rimbaud (1938), Voltaire (1939) - not to mention such marvellously discursive conversation pieces such as "Letter to Lord Byron" (1936).

The 1939 elegies stand apart from the rest, however. They seem more purposeful, more directly related to the larger intentions behind his work - insofar as he was aware of them, at least.

After this came a decade largely devoted to the composition of four long poems: New Year Letter (1941), For the Time Being (1944), The Sea and the Mirror (1944), and The Age of Anxiety (1947).

W. H. Auden: New Year Letter (1941)

These certainly have their fans, and the last three in particular have benefitted from stand-alone, annotated editions in the Princeton Auden series. However, while he may have explored some of the same themes in more detail in these full-dress works, for me they lack the concision and urgency of the Elegies.

As in the case of Keats's Odes, it's these five poems which continue to provoke and inspire people, especially those caught up in the pitiless destruction of war - Gaza, Ukraine - even now, some nine decades later.

W. H. Auden: The Double Man (1941)

Life: W. H. Auden (1940)


He disappeared in the dead of winter:
The brooks were frozen, the airports almost deserted,
And snow disfigured the public statues;
The mercury sank in the mouth of the dying day.
O all the instruments agree
The day of his death was a dark cold day.

Far from his illness
The wolves ran on through the evergreen forests,
The peasant river was untempted by the fashionable quays;
By mourning tongues
The death of the poet was kept from his poems.

But for him it was his last afternoon as himself,
An afternoon of nurses and rumours;
The provinces of his body revolted,
The squares of his mind were empty,
Silence invaded the suburbs,
The current of his feeling failed: he became his admirers.

Now he is scattered among a hundred cities
And wholly given over to unfamiliar affections;
To find his happiness in another kind of wood
And be punished under a foreign code of conscience.
The words of a dead man
Are modified in the guts of the living.

But in the importance and noise of to-morrow
When the brokers are roaring like beasts on the floor of the Bourse,
And the poor have the sufferings to which they are fairly accustomed,
And each in the cell of himself is almost convinced of his freedom;
A few thousand will think of this day
As one thinks of a day when one did something slightly unusual.

O all the instruments agree
The day of his death was a dark cold day.


You were silly like us: your gift survived it all;
The parish of rich women, physical decay,
Yourself; mad Ireland hurt you into poetry.
Now Ireland has her madness and her weather still,
For poetry makes nothing happen: it survives
In the valley of its saying where executives
Would never want to tamper; it flows south
From ranches of isolation and the busy griefs,
Raw towns that we believe and die in; it survives,
A way of happening, a mouth.


Earth, receive an honoured guest;
William Yeats is laid to rest.
Let the Irish vessel lie
Emptied of its poetry.

Time that is intolerant
Of the brave and innocent,
And indifferent in a week
To a beautiful physique,

Worships language and forgives
Everyone by whom it lives;
Pardons cowardice, conceit,
Lays its honours at their feet.

Time that with this strange excuse
Pardoned Kiping and his views,
And will pardon Paul Claudel,
Pardons him for writing well.

In the nightmare of the dark
All the dogs of Europe bark,
And the living nations wait,
Each sequestered in its hate;

Intellectual disgrace
Stares from every human face,
And the seas of pity lie
Locked and frozen in each eye.

Follow, poet, follow right
To the bottom of the night,
With your unconstraining voice
Still persuade us to rejoice;

With the farming of a verse
Make a vineyard of the curse,
Sing of human unsuccess
In a rapture of distress;

In the deserts of the heart
Let the healing fountain start,
In the prison of his days
Teach the free man how to praise.

The shining neutral summer has no voice
To judge America, or ask how a man dies;
And the friends who are sad and the enemies who rejoice

Are chased by their shadows lightly away from the grave
Of one who was egotistical and brave,
Lest they should learn without suffering how to forgive.

What was it, Ernst, that your shadow unwittingly said?
O did the child see something horrid in the woodshed
Long ago? Or had the Europe which took refuge in your head

Already been too injured to get well?
O for how long,like the swallows in that other cell,
Had the bright little longings been flying in to tell

About the big friendly death outside,
Where people do not occupy or hide;
No towns like Munich; no need to write?

Dear Ernst, lie shadowless at last among
The other war-horses who existed till they’d done
Something that was an example to the young.

We are lived by powers we pretend to understand:
They arrange our loves; it is they who direct at the end
The enemy bullet, the sickness, or even our hand.

It is their tomorrow hangs over the earth of the living
And all that we wish for our friends: but existing is believing
We know for whom we mourn and who is grieving.

September 1, 1939
(September 1939) [3]

I sit in one of the dives
On Fifty-Second Street
Uncertain and afraid
As the clever hopes expire
Of a low dishonest decade:
Waves of anger and fear
Circulate over the bright
And darkened lands of the earth,
Obsessing our private lives;
The unmentionable odour of death
Offends the September night.

Accurate scholarship can
Unearth the whole offence
From Luther until now
That has driven a culture mad,
Find what occurred at Linz,
What huge imago made
A psychopathic god:
I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.

Exiled Thucydides knew
All that a speech can say
About Democracy,
And what dictators do,
The elderly rubbish they talk
To an apathetic grave;
Analysed all in his book,
The enlightenment driven away,
The habit-forming pain,
Mismanagement and grief:
We must suffer them all again.

Into this neutral air
Where blind skyscrapers use
Their full height to proclaim
The strength of Collective Man,
Each language pours its vain
Competitive excuse:
But who can live for long
In an euphoric dream;
Out of the mirror they stare,
Imperialism's face
And the international wrong.

Faces along the bar
Cling to their average day:
The lights must never go out,
The music must always play,
All the conventions conspire
To make this fort assume
The furniture of home;
Lest we should see where we are,
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the night
Who have never been happy or good.

The windiest militant trash
Important Persons shout
Is not so crude as our wish:
What mad Nijinsky wrote
About Diaghilev
Is true of the normal heart;
For the error bred in the bone
Of each woman and each man
Craves what it cannot have,
Not universal love
But to be loved alone.

From the conservative dark
Into the ethical life
The dense commuters come,
Repeating their morning vow;
'I will be true to the wife,
I'll concentrate more on my work,'
And helpless governors wake
To resume their compulsory game:
Who can release them now,
Who can reach the deaf,
Who can speak for the dumb?

All I have is a voice
To undo the folded lie,
The romantic lie in the brain
Of the sensual man-in-the-street
And the lie of Authority
Whose buildings grope the sky:
There is no such thing as the State
And no one exists alone;
Hunger allows no choice
To the citizen or the police;
We must love one another or die.

Defenceless under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame.

When there are so many we shall have to mourn,
When grief has been made so public, and exposed
         To the critique of a whole epoch
         The frailty of our conscience and anguish,

Of whom shall we speak? For every day they die
Among us, those who were doing us some good,
         Who knew it was never enough but
         Hoped to improve a little by living.

Such was this doctor: still at eighty he wished
To think of our life from whose unruliness
         So many plausible young futures
         With threats or flattery ask obedience,

But his wish was denied him: he closed his eyes
Upon that last picture, common to us all,
         Of problems like relatives gathered
         Puzzled and jealous about our dying. 

For about him till the very end were still
Those he had studied, the fauna of the night,
         And shades that still waited to enter
         The bright circle of his recognition

Turned elsewhere with their disappointment as he
Was taken away from his life interest
         To go back to the earth in London,
         An important Jew who died in exile.

Only Hate was happy, hoping to augment
His practice now, and his dingy clientele
         Who think they can be cured by killing
         And covering the garden with ashes.

They are still alive, but in a world he changed
Simply by looking back with no false regrets;
         All he did was to remember
         Like the old and be honest like children.

He wasn't clever at all: he merely told
The unhappy Present to recite the Past
         Like a poetry lesson till sooner
         Or later it faltered at the line where

Long ago the accusations had begun,
And suddenly knew by whom it had been judged,
         How rich life had been and how silly,
         And was life-forgiven and more humble.

Able to approach the Future as a friend
Without a wardrobe of excuses, without
         A set mask of rectitude or an 
         Embarrassing over-familiar gesture.

No wonder the ancient cultures of conceit
In his technique of unsettlement foresaw
         The fall of princes, the collapse of
         Their lucrative patterns of frustration:

If he succeeded, why, the Generalised Life
Would become impossible, the monolith
         Of State be broken and prevented
         The co-operation of avengers.

Of course they called on God, but he went his way
Down among the lost people like Dante, down
         To the stinking fosse where the injured
         Lead the ugly life of the rejected,

And showed us what evil is: not as we thought
Deeds that must be punished, but our lack of faith,
         Our dishonest mood of denial,
         The concupiscence of the oppressor.

And if some traces of the autocratic pose,
The paternal strictness he distrusted, still
         Clung to his utterance and features,
         It was a protective coloration

For one who'd lived among enemies so long:
If often he was wrong and, at times, absurd,
         To us he is no more a person
         Now but a whole climate of opinion

Under whom we conduct our different lives:
Like weather he can only hinder or help,
         The proud can still be proud but find it
         A little harder, the tyrant tries to

Make do with him but doesn't care for him much:
He quietly surrounds all our habits of growth
         And extends, till the tired in even
         The remotest miserable duchy

Have felt the change in their bones and are cheered
Till the child, unlucky in his little State,
         Some hearth where freedom is excluded,
         A hive whose honey is fear and worry,

Feels calmer now and somehow assured of escape,
While, as they lie in the grass of our neglect, 
         So many long-forgotten objects
         Revealed by his undiscouraged shining

Are returned to us and made precious again;
Games we had thought we must drop as we grew up,
         Little noises we dared not laugh at,
         Faces we made when no one was looking.

But he wishes us more than this. To be free
Is often to be lonely. He would unite
         The unequal moieties fractured
         By our own well-meaning sense of justice,

Would restore to the larger the wit and will 
The smaller possesses but can only use
         For arid disputes, would give back to
         The son the mother's richness of feeling:

But he would have us remember most of all 
To be enthusiastic over the night
         Not only for the sense of wonder
         It alone has to offer, but also

Because it needs our love: for with sad eyes
Its delectable creatures look up and beg
         Us dumbly to ask them to follow:
         They are exiles who long for the future

That lies in our power. They too would rejoice
If allowed to serve enlightenment like him,
         Even to bear our cry of 'Judas', 
         As he did and all must bear who serve it.

One rational voice is dumb: over a grave
The household of Impulse mourns one dearly loved.
         Sad is Eros, builder of cities,
         And weeping anarchic Aphrodite.

The snow, less intransigeant than their marble,
Has left the defence of whiteness to these tombs;
  For all the pools at my feet
Accommodate blue, now, and echo such clouds as occur
To the sky, and whatever bird or mourner the passing
  Moment remarks they repeat

While the rocks, named after singular spaces
Within which images wandered once that caused
  All to tremble and offend,
Stand here in an innocent stillness, each marking the spot
Where one more series of errors lost its uniqueness
  And novelty came to an end.

To whose real advantage were such transactions
When worlds of reflection were exchanged for trees?
  What living occasion can 
Be just to the absent? O noon but reflects on itself,
And the small taciturn stone that is the only witness
  To a great and talkative man

Has no more judgment than my ignorant shadow
Of odious comparisons or distant clocks 
  Which challenge and interfere
With the heart's instantaneous reading of time, time that is
A warm enigma no longer in you for whom I
  Surrender my private cheer

Startling the awkward footsteps of my apprehension,
The flushed assault of your recognition is
  The donnée of this doubtful hour:
O stern proconsul of intractable provinces,
O poet of the difficult, dear addicted artist,
  Assent to my soil and flower.

As I stand awake on our solar fabric,
That primary machine, the earth, which gendarmes, banks,
  And aspirin presuppose,
On which the clumsy and sad may all sit down, and any who will
Say their a-ha to the beautiful, the common locus
  Of the master and the rose.

Our theatre, scaffold, and erotic city
Where all the infirm species are partners in the act
  Of encroachment bodies crave,
Though solitude in death is de rigueur for their flesh,
And the self-denying hermit flies as it approaches
  Like the carnivore to a cave.

That its plural numbers may unite in meaning,
Its vulgar tongues unravel the knotted mass
  Of the improperly conjunct,
Open my eyes now to its hinted significant figures,
Sharpen my cars to detect amid its brilliant uproar
  The low thud of the defunct.

O dwell ironic at my living centre,
Half ancestor, half child; because the actual self
  Round whom time revolves so fast
Is so afraid of what its motions might possibly do,
That the actor is never there when his really important
  Acts happen. Only the past

Is present, no one about but the dead as,
Equipped with a few inherited odds and ends,
  One after another we are
Fired into life to seek that unseen target where all
Our equivocal judgments are judged and resolved in
  One whole Alas or Hurrah.

And only the unborn mark the disaster
When, though it makes no difference to the pretty airs
  The bird of Appetite sings,
And Amour Propre is his usual amusing self,
Out from the jungle of an undistinguished moment
  The flexible Shadow springs.

[ Perhaps the honour of a great house, perhaps its
Cradles and tombs may persuade the bravado of
  The bachelor mind to doubt
The dishonest path, or save from disgraceful collapse
The creature's shrinking withness bellowed at and tickled
  By the huge Immodest Without. ]

Now more than ever, when torches and snare-drum
Excite the squat women of the saurian brain
  Till a milling mob of fears
Break in insultingly on anywhere, when in our dreams
Pigs play on the organs and the blue sky runs shrieking
  As the Crack of Doom appears,

Are the good ghosts needed with the white magic
Of their subtle loves. War has no ambiguities
  Like a marriage; the result
Required of its affaire fatale is simple and sad,
The physical removal of all human objects
  That conceal the Difficult.

Then remember me that I may remember
The test we have to learn to shudder for is not
  An historical event,
That neither the low democracy of a nightmare nor
An army's primitive tidings may deceive me
  About our predicament.

That catastrophic situation which neither
Victory nor defeat can annul: to be
  Deaf yet determined to sing,
To be lame and blind yet burning for the Great Good Place,
To be essentially corrupt yet mournfully attracted
  By the Real Distinguished Thing.

[ Let this orchard point to its stable arrangement
Of accomplished bones as a proof that our lives
  Conceal a pattern which shows
A tendency to execute formative movements, to have
Definite experiences in their execution,
  To rejoice in knowing it grows. ]

And shall I not specially bless you as, vexed with
My little inferior questions, today I stand
  Beside the bed where you rest
Who opened such passionate arms to your Bon when It ran
Towards you with its overwhelming reasons pleading
  All beautifully in Its breast?

O with what innocence your hand submitted
To those formal rules that help a child to play,
  While your heart, fastidious as
A delicate nun, remained true to the rare noblesse
Of your lucid gift and, for its own sake, ignored the
  Resentful muttering Mass.

Whose ruminant hatred of all which cannot
Be simplified or stolen is still at large;
  No death can assuage its lust
To vilify the landscape of Distinction and see
The heart of the Personal brought to a systolic standstill,
  The Tall to diminished dust.

Preserve me, Master, from its vague incitement,
Yours be the disciplinary image that holds
  Me back from agreeable wrong,
And the clutch of eddying muddle, lest Proportion shed 
The alpine chill of her shrugging editorial shoulder
  On my loose impromptu song.

Suggest; so may I segregate my disorder
Into districts of prospective value: approve;
  Lightly, lightly, then, may I dance
Over the frontier of the obvious and fumble no more
In the old limp pocket of the minor exhibition,
  Nor riot with irrelevance.

And no longer shoe geese or water stakes but
Bolt in my day my grain of truth to the barn
  Where tribulations may leap
With their long-lost brothers at last in the festival
Of which not one has a dissenting image, and the
  Flushed immediacy sleep.

[ Knowing myself a mobile animal descended
From an ancient line of respectable fish,
  With a certain mechant charm,
Occupying the earth for a grass-grown interval between
Two oscillations of polar ice, engaged in weaving
  His conscience upon its calm.

Despising Now yet afraid of Hereafter,
Unable in spite of his stop-watch and lens
  To imagine the rising Rome
To which his tools and tales migrate, to guess from what shore
The signal will flash, to observe the anarchist's gestation
  In the smug constricted home. ]

Into this city from the shining lowlands
Blows a wind that whispers of uncovered skulls
  And fresh ruins under the moon,
Of hopes that will not survive the secousse of this spring,
Of blood and flames, of the terror that walks by night and
  The sickness that strikes at noon.

All will be judged. Master of nuance and scruple,
Pray for me and for all writers living or dead;
  Because there are many whose works
Are in better taste than their lives; because there is no end
To the vanity of our calling: make intercession
  For the treason of all clerks.

Because the darkness is never so distant,
And there is never much time for the arrogant
  Spirit to flutter its wings,
Or the broken bone to rejoice, or the cruel to cry,
For Him whose property is always to have mercy, the author
  And giver of all good things.


1. The text presented here comes from Another Time: Poems by W. H. Auden (London: Faber, 1940): 107-10. The three stanzas beginning "Time that is intolerant" were subsequently pruned from the poem.

2. The text presented here comes from Another Time: Poems by W. H. Auden (London: Faber, 1940): 111.

3. The text presented here comes from Another Time: Poems by W. H. Auden (London: Faber, 1940): 112-15. The second-to-last stanza, beginning "All I have is a voice" was omitted when it was reprinted in The Collected Poetry of W. H. Auden (New York: Random House, 1945): 57-59.

4. The text presented here comes from Another Time: Poems by W. H. Auden (London: Faber, 1940): 116-20, with the exception of the last line, which was changed from: "And weeping of anarchic Aphrodite" to the smoother "And weeping anarchic Aphrodite" when the poem was reprinted in The Collected Poetry of W. H. Auden (New York: Random House, 1945): 163-67. The capitalisations at the beginnings of lines, and a few other details of spacing, were further revised in subsequent reprintings.

5. The italicised sections between square brackets come from the original 28-stanza version of the poem printed in Horizon (June 1941). The rest of the 24-stanza text presented here comes from The Collected Poetry of W. H. Auden (New York: Random House, 1945): 126-31. The poem was further condensed to ten stanzas in 1966.

Centuries of Sound: 1939 (2021)