Showing posts with label Franz Kafka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Franz Kafka. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

The Uncollected Henry James

Floyd R. Horowitz, ed.: The Uncollected Henry James (2004)

The moment I saw this book in a second-hand shop I knew I had to have it. It's exactly the kind of thing I love: a monomaniac academic's life work, nestled neatly between two covers.

That's not to say that it doesn't come with impressive literary credentials. As the blurb on the back-cover puts it:
More than two decades of research, study, and literary detection lie behind this treasury of stories by one of the undisputed giants in the field of American fiction, as Professor Floyd Horowitz here offers a collection of tales that he himself has authenticated to be the work of the prodigiously gifted Henry James, ... justly remembered for his novellas and scores of short stories. And there may indeed be scores more [my emphasis], as this important volume shows. Published anonymously or under noms de plume in magazines like nineteenth-century New York's favourite The Knickerbocker, Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine, The National Magazine, and The Continental, these previously uncollected pieces represent both apprentice work and early stories that already bear the mark of Jamesian artistry. Written in a period of more than ten years before James's first signed fiction appeared (in 1865) ... these uncovered stories add significantly to the James canon.
Well, you can't say better than that! So precocious was this studious young man that he apparently wrote (and published) at least 24 stories between the ages of 9 (!) and 26 as a kind of side-hustle to his burgeoning official career as a professional author, which began with "The Story of a Year" in 1865, and eventually grew to include no fewer than 112 stories (as you'll see if you consult this list of his work in that genre).

My comments above may sound a little sceptical, but they're not meant to be. After all, most young writers fill page after page with more-or-less accomplished juvenilia before they eventually begin to publish - and many are subsequently anxious to suppress any evidence of early work which appeared in print before they were ready ...

And, in at least partial support of Horowitz's claims, the first item on the list of authenticated James short stories, "A Tragedy of Error" (1864) was indeed published anonymously, and only identified by his biographer Leon Edel through a chance reference in a letter.

Leon Edel, ed. The Complete Tales of Henry James (12 vols: 1962-64)

For that matter, the first dozen or so of his canonical stories could probably be quietly shelved without any great loss to posterity. The Master himself only included a little over half of the 100-odd novellas and short stories he'd previously published in the multi-volume New York Edition (1907-09), which he definitely intended to stand as his last word on the matter.

Philip Horne, ed. Henry James: A Life in Letters (1999)

So what are these new stories like? And, more to the point, are they really all by Henry James? Distinguished Jamesian Philip Horne, editor of the Life in Letters pictured above, is, unfortunately - according to the précis at the top of his review - "not convinced of the authorship of Floyd R Horowitz's 'newly discovered' Henry James stories." That, however, "does not mean that they are not worth reading."

His Guardian article is too long and closely argued to quote here in detail, but I thought I might tease out a few of the more telling points:
Horowitz's central notion is that young James had a secret life as "Leslie Walter", consistently using that pseudonym to get his stories into (mostly unremunerated) print: eight of those here, mostly later ones, seem to be attributable to that author.
Horne, however, detects certain problems with this hypothesis:
I discovered, for example, that in January 1869, well after James had broken cover under his own name, "Lesley Walter" published a pretty awful sentimental poem called "Among the Lilies" in the Galaxy: Horowitz doesn't mention the supposed alter ego's unJamesian propensity for verse. And then Leslie Walter's rather monotonous subject matter, supposedly showing a closeness to James's father's Swedenborgian philosophy, seems just conventionally pious ... Indeed, these tales often amount to cases of what [Henry James] used to call with withering scorn "flagrant morality". Horowitz might have done better to claim they were parodies.
But he goes on to concede:
This is not to say that one steeped in James, and reading for resemblance, doesn't occasionally come across something that seems strikingly close to the master's voice in these tales, or fleeting parallels of situation. Horowitz has built a certain plausible deniability into his case, moreover, in the sense that these stories are presented as apprentice works, written to the house style of the Knickerbocker or the Newport Mercury, from a period mostly before we have any authenticated James fiction.
In other words, anything unlike James can be attributed to his desperation to break into print by aping each journal's house-style. Anything that is like him is clear proof of his authorship. Either way, Horowitz can claim to be vindicated. Horne, however, is not having any:
The greatest value and interest of this collection ... is ultimately not that it's by James, but that it isn't. Short stories reveal worlds even when they're affected or sentimental or badly written, and this book constitutes a vivid picture of the literary, cultural and social universe James entered. Apart from showing us just how original he actually was, it reeks of the dead past ...

Vladimir Nabokov: Pale Fire (1962)

"From time to time one catches a whiff of Pale Fire mania in the confident circularity of Horowitz's logic," Horne comments about the former's methodology - the magic wand which rendered this Computer Science professor capable of nosing out lost pieces of Jamesiana amongst all the reams of abandoned fiction he'd been assembling for the past thirty years.

Pale Fire, for those of you unfamiliar with this most teasing and, in some respects, most worrying of Nabokov's fictions, "is presented as a 999-line poem titled "Pale Fire", written by the fictional poet John Shade, with a foreword, lengthy commentary and index written by Shade's neighbor and academic colleague, Charles Kinbote."

Kinbote, who is (most readers would agree) a delusional monomaniac, "inherited" (i.e. stole) the manuscript of "Pale Fire" after John Shade's murder, and is now attempting to prove in his commentary-cum-autobiography that this poem, which never directly mentions the subject, is nevertheless is almost entirely about him and the (possibly imaginary) country of Zembla, whose lost king he may or may not be.

Clear? No? You're not alone in feeling a bit puzzled. Suffice it to say that the nutty, monocular professor is a commonplace of post-modern fiction - but actually the idea of writing a self-refuting, self-satirising commentary on what is alleged to be someone else's work goes way back beyond that: to E. T. A. Hoffmann's Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr together with a fragmentary Biography of Kapellmeister Johannes Kreisler on Random Sheets of Waste Paper (1819-21); or, even further, to Laurence Sterne's Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy (1759-67); or, for that matter, to the fons et origo of most of Sterne's erudition, Robert Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy (1621).

So how exactly did Professor Horowitz set about distinguishing Henry James's work from all the other sludge in these ancient journals from the 1850s and 1860s? Philip Horne summarises the two, rather technical, appendices in Horowitz's book as follows:
First, by reading his way through the myriad American magazines and journals of the period, "using a set of critical discriminators". These included "the use of particular words, the employment of what I came to recognise as distinctive syntactical and word patterns, the use of puns and other wordplay, as well as the repetition of symbolic allusions, themes, and ideas". He also found "corroborating ideational evidence in the texts", which built up, in his vision, into "a coherent linguistic and philosophical framework that was consistent with the structures and themes of James's later, signed work". In other words, the evidence is massively internal, and interpretative - one might say subjective.
It puts me in mind of that old hymn about Jesus we used to sing at Sunday School:
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart.
In other words, I don't know, but I'd like to pretend that I do.

This "I know it when I see it" argument, familiar from Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's classic 1964 definition of obscenity, is backed up by some pretty hard science in Horowitz's case, however:
In an appendix called "The Computer and the Search for Henry James", Horowitz took the 20,783 words known to have been written by James between 1858 and 1871 and ran stylometric tests on the tales he'd attributed to James - the test being similarity of vocabulary (single words). This yielded a total of 72 stories by James, and another 12 "probably written by James". I was unable to follow the complicated details of his explanation, but confess to an impression that the hurdle set for identification as Jamesian was worryingly low. Stories with the same kinds of setting and with similar themes will surely generate many chimings of vocabulary without being being really similar in style. And there's no test of quality: some of these tales are pretty execrable.
72 (+ 12 doubtful cases) is a pretty high number for us to credit. After all, these are stories James allegedly published, not simply wrote, during this period. He must have been banging them out, rain or shine, at a rate of about one a month!

But wait, there's more!
The allusion test, in another appendix called "Allusion as Proof in the Search for Henry James", turns out to mean echoes of things in books in Henry James senior's library, including the Arabian Nights and the King James Bible. Horowitz also detected his young Henry James in putative quasi-Oulipian games with his copy of Anthon's Latin Primer and Reader, taking English words from different columns of the Latin vocabulary lists to generate stories. The problem with these "tests" seemed to me that either the source was very widely known (for example the Bible) or that the words used were not so unusual as to be striking (the Anthon words used to cement Horowitz's case in the short passage he selects as most convincing include "with", "made", "will", "against" and "all") ...
Even the most credulous of readers will probably part company with Horowitz when he starts to explain just how James could construct an almost unlimited number of stories out of odd words which just happened to be placed more-or-less contiguously in his Latin Grammar! It all sounds just a little too uncomfortably like those calculations about infinite numbers of monkeys tapping away on infinite typewriters.

Perhaps it's just as well that Horowitz never got to publish the follow-up book Searching for Henry James promised on the blurb for The Uncollected Henry James. At least, I don't think he did. I haven't succeeding in finding any allusions to it online, even in self-published form. What I did find, sadly, was the following obituary for the author himself.

From this I learned that Floyd Horowitz (1930-2014) taught Computer Science at Kansas University for over 30 years, then English at Hunter College, New York for another five years, until his retirement in 1996. He died on August 9th, 2014 "from complications of vascular dementia."

De mortuis nil nisi bonum, as the saying has it: Speak no ill of the dead. I can't help wondering a bit, though. There are some very odd statements - not to mention strikingly eccentric word-choices - in those two appendices at the end of Prof. Horowitz's book. Just how carefully did his editors actually check them before clearing the text for publication?

His obituary concludes, rather poignantly, "He is now at peace."

Constant J. Mews. The Lost Love Letters of Heloise and Abelard: Perceptions of Dialogue in Twelfth-Century France. Trans. Neville Chiavaroli & Constant J. Mews. 1999. The New Middle Ages. Ed. Bonnie Wheeler. Palgrave. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2001.
Mind you, just because it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck doesn't necessarily mean that it is a duck. I recall having a similar uneasy feeling roughly halfway through the book above, by Prof. Constant Mews, son of the composer Douglas Mews, whom I remember very well from my years singing in the Auckland University choir.

Mews's claim to have identified a lost correspondence between medieval scholastic philosopher Peter Abelard and his lover Héloïse d'Argenteuil seemed just a little too good to be true.

The Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Trans. Betty Radice. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
Pretty much everyone interested in the story of these two star-crossed lovers is familiar with the book above: a translation of a Latin correspondence between the two conducted many years after Abelard's seduction of the young girl Heloise, whom he'd been hired to tutor by her uncle Fulbert, a canon of Notre Dame.

Helen Waddell: Peter Abelard (1933)

The uncle, as you've no doubt heard, took a fearful revenge on the lustful philosopher. He arranged for him to be castrated by some hired ruffians. Abelard survived, just barely, but that and a number of other scandals (including accusations of heresy) made it almost impossible for him to advance in the church.

François Villon (1431-c.1463)

The story was so famous that it's even referred to in fifteenth-century jailbird poet François Villon's famous "Ballade des dames du temps jadis" [Ballad of Ladies of Past Times]:
Où est la très sage Heloïs,
Pour qui fut chastré et puis moyne
Pierre Esbaillart à Sainct-Denys?
Pour son amour eut cest essoyne.

[Where is the very wise Heloise,
For whom Peter Abelard was castrated
then made a monk at Saint Denis?
For his love had this travail.]

Most readers prefer Heloise's honest and insightful letters to the pompous, top-lofty prevarications of the great scholar, who presumes to lecture her on virtue despite his own obvious shortcomings in that regard.

Mews, however, argues that some earlier letters exchanged by the couple, possibly at the time they first met, have survived in the form of a book of "exemplary letters" for the use of students. As one reviewer commented:
Although the correspondence reproduced and translated [by Mews] has been available to scholars in Latin since Ewald Könsgen's 1974 publication, Mews' edition is the first to translate the letters into English and devote to them the comprehensive commentary they deserve. Könsgen may have made the first tentative suggestions that they might be the letters of Heloise and Abelard, but it is Mews who offers convincing evidence that they are.

Ewald Könsgen: Epistolae duorum amantium (1974)

In her own, more comprehensive review, Barbara Newman explains that:
Ewald Könsgen's edition of the twelfth-century Latin text he titled Epistolae duorum amantium: Briefe Abaelards und Heloises? [Correspondence of Two Lovers: Letters by Abelard and Heloise?] (Leiden: Brill, 1974), could not have appeared at a worse time. Scholars had been debating the authenticity of Abelard's famous exchange with Heloise for almost a century, but that controversy, after remaining at a simmer for decades, had just reached the boiling point. At a conference at Cluny in 1972, John Benton had proposed that the entire correspondence was forged in the late thirteenth century to influence a disputed election at the Paraclete. In the same year, D. W. Robertson argued in Abelard and Heloise (New York: Dial Press, 1972) that the real forger was Abelard, who created the literary fiction of Heloise's letters as part of an exemplary treatise on conversion ...

In such a climate, no scholar could have been expected to stake his credibility on the anonymous love letters discovered by Könsgen in a late 15th-century manuscript from Clairvaux. Könsgen himself, after all, appended a question mark to his title, arguing only that the letters must have been composed in the Ile-de-France in the early twelfth century by two people "like" Abelard and Heloise. Even Peter Dronke, the staunchest defender of Heloise's writing, did not want to connect the famous lovers with this newly edited correspondence. Such an ascription would have seemed literally too good - or too self-interested - to be true. So Könsgen's edition attracted little notice and vanished without a ripple.
Which is not to say that Mews's own claims for the correspondence have been accepted by everyone. His critics, however, are quick to deny the accusation that "they are motivated by professional envy at not having got there first."
"It's not jealousy, it's a question of method," said Monique Goullet, director of research in medieval Latin at Paris's Sorbonne University. "If we had proof that it was Abelard and Heloise then everyone would calm down. But the current position among literature scholars is that we are shocked by too rapid an attribution process."
While, as Barbara Newman reminds us, "the majority of scholars now accept the established letters as authentic", the burden of proof is certainly on Mews to demonstrate "beyond a reasonable doubt" that the authors of these newly unearthed letters "were indeed Heloise and Abelard."
Mews argues on both textual and contextual grounds, providing evidence that: (1) learned women did exchange Latin poems and letters with their male admirers in the early twelfth century; (2) the fragmentary narrative that emerges from the recently discovered letters is consistent in all particulars with what we know of Abelard and Heloise; and (3) most important, the philosophical vocabulary, literary style, classical allusions, and contrasting positions on love apparent in Könsgen's letters are so thoroughly consistent with the known writings of Heloise and Abelard that the supposition of their authorship is simpler than any alternative hypothesis.

Jacques Trébouta, dir.: Héloïse et Abélard (1973)

I guess what surprised me most, after reading Mews's book, was the fact that there hadn't been a lot more fuss about so immense and exciting a claim. After all, the love story between Abelard and Heloise, and in particular the character of Heloise herself, have been revisited repeatedly in popular novels and movies, as well as being exhaustively picked over as a theme in medieval studies. Why, then, isn't Mews's book shelved beside Betty Radice's classic translation of the "established letters"?

Clive Donner, dir. Stealing Heaven (1988)

Mews is certainly no fool, and his claims for these letters have been subjected to considerable scrutiny. The alternative explanations offered by some of his critics that it may be "a literary work written by one person who decided to reconstitute the writings of Abelard and Heloise," or "a stylistic exercise between two students who imagined themselves as the lovers, or that it was written by another couple," are perhaps rather less convincing than their own authors may imagine.

As Barbara Newman puts it:
the woman of the Troyes letters simply sounds like Heloise and like no other medieval Latin writer known to us.
I wish that that could be the last word on the matter, but I fear that the jury will remain out for a long time yet: possibly forever.

John Cheever: Thirteen Uncollected Stories (1994)
Thirteen Uncollected Stories by John Cheever. Ed. Franklin H. Dennis. Introduction by George W. Hunt, S.J. Note by Matthew Bruccoli. Chicago: Academy Chicago Publishers, 1994.
So, we have one probable attribution: the "new" Heloise and Abelard letters; and one rather more dubious item: the "uncollected" Henry James stories. Let's conclude with another bibliographical curiosity, these 13 stories by American author John Cheever.

John Cheever (1912-1982)

This is how Wikipedia describes the débâcle surrounding their appearance:
The publication of Thirteen Uncollected Stories by John Cheever had its genesis in a copyright dispute beginning in 1988 between a small publisher, Academy Chicago Publishers, and Cheever's widow, Mary Wintemitz Cheever. Mary Cheever had entered into a contract with Academy for the nominal fee of $1500 to permit publication of a sampling of Cheever's uncollected early short fiction, pending family consultation. When the publisher sought to include all the works not published in The Stories of John Cheever (1978) — a total of 68 stories — a protracted legal struggle ensued.

Mary Cheever prevailed, but Academy Chicago succeeded in securing publication rights to a total of thirteen stories whose copyrights had lapsed. These are the stories that appear in Thirteen Uncollected Stories by John Cheever.
Here there are no doubts at all about the stories' status and genesis: just the desirability of having them in print, alongside the more mature work of this consummate fictional stylist.

But that's not really how most academics think: they see the recovery of lost texts as the crown of their scholarly achievements. No wonder so many writers end up burning all their papers - if they get the chance, that is!

Having a foot in both camps, I can sympathise with both of these attitudes. For the most part, I tend to side with the writers. Who knows, though? Which of us isn't ready to call down blessings on the head of Max Brod for not heeding the instructions of his friend Franz Kafka to burn all of his unpublished literary remains, including The Trial, The Castle, and America?

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Franz Kafka: Parables and Paradoxes

Franz Kafka: Metamorphosis (1915)

When I was but thirteen or so
I went into a golden land,
Chimborazo, Cotopaxi
Took me by the hand.

- W. J. Turner, "Romance" (1920)
It wasn't quite like that for me. I'd have to rewrite it as follows:
When I was but fourteen or so
I went into a troubled land,
Josef K., Gregor Samsa
Took me by the hand.
That "Romance" poem has always struck me as a bit off, in any case. That idea of the genocidal conquest of the Americas by the Spanish conquistadors acting as a cheap source of thrills for European romantics seems crass, to say the least. Though of course that may be the point that Turner is trying to make:
My father died, my brother too,
They passed like fleeting dreams,
I stood where Popocatapetl
In the sunlight gleams.
Clearly this "great golden dream" is not being endorsed as altogether a good thing.

Franz Kafka: The Castle (1927)

Most people start with The Trial, but in my case it was The Castle which first pulled me into Franz Kafka's sinister and baffling world. I had a mania for being "well-read" in those days, just after advancing to High School. I'd heard the phrase somewhere and was not yet canny enough to know what a fata morgana such an ambition could be. In any case, I read on the back of the Penguin edition pictured above that it was widely considered one of the most important modern novels, so that was enough for me.

Some things in it were immediately recognisable. The idea of being constantly, insidiously thwarted in everything you set out to do: that was familiar enough as a simple description of my everyday life as the last in line of four children - not to mention the youngest in my class at school. Other details of the book's background would not start to resonate with me until I finally visited Prague, many years later. I hadn't realised the extent to which the Castle there literally dominates the whole city.

Boris Stroujko: Prague Castle (1927)

It looks picturesque enough in the tourist photo above, but on a midwinter morning it can seem as grim and threatening as any Transylvanian peak. And of course 'the Castle' has always been shorthand there for the government, just as 'the Beehive' is for us. For a young Jewish man belonging to one of the subject races of the profoundly anti-semitic Austro-Hungarian Empire, seeing it glowering down on you can hardly have been a happy experience.

But there remains something mysterious and unknowable about Kafka's genius. Many writers before and since have expressed themselves in this fable-like, hyper-real manner, but there's a unique gravity and inevitability to the situations he creates. Jorge Luis Borges, Italo Calvino, Primo Levi - all have been influenced by Kafka, but none have surpassed him. Stories such as "Metamorphosis," "In the Penal Settlement," or (my favourite) "The Burrow" continue to speak to us more than a century after he wrote them.

Max Brod (1884-1968)

Though the situation isn't really as simple as that. The facts of his life have become, in their own way, as emblematic as his fiction. The story, after all, is a famous one. He died from tuberculosis at the age of 40, and left all his writings, both published and unpublished, to his friend and fellow-writer Max Brod, with the following request:
Dearest Max, my last request: Everything I leave behind me ... in the way of diaries, manuscripts, letters (my own and others'), sketches, and so on, [is] to be burned unread.
It depends on your own point of view on these matters whether it makes him a hero or a villain, but Brod ignored these instructions, and printed not only the three incomplete novels Kafka had been working on for so long, but also a mass of unpublished stories, letters, and other material.

Edwin Muir: An Autobiography (1954)

Posterity could be said to have vindicated Max Brod. Kafka's work has never been out of print from that day to this, and he would make any list of the top ten twentieth-century German writers with ease. Possibly his greatest influence has been exerted abroad, in translation, however.

Kafka had the good fortune to fall into the hands of one of Scotland's finest modern poets, Orkneyman Edwin Muir, and his wife Willa Muir (née Anderson), who gradually translated the three novels - The Castle (1930), The Trial (1937), and America (1938) - as well as most of the canonical stories - The Great Wall of China and Other Pieces (1933), and The Metamorphosis (1935) - into clear and elegant English prose.

There's no doubt that Willa was the superior linguist and the senior partner in the enterprise. Here's her own description of how it went, from her memoir Belonging (1968):
We divided the book in two, Edwin translated one half and I the other, then we went over each other's translations as with a fine-tooth comb.
Elsewhere in her journals, she clarified that he "only helped."

One can't help feeling that something in the lives and backgrounds of these two Scots in exile contributed to their instinctive understanding of Kafka. Though born in Montrose, on the mainland, Willa Anderson's parents were both born in the Shetlands, and she grew up speaking Shetland dialect as well as English.

Edwin, too, born in the Orkney islands, grew up speaking the Orcadian variant of Scots before being forced to move to Glasgow when he was fourteen. All of his work was dominated by this contrast between the 'Eden' of his earliest experiences, and the grimness and despair of life in an industrial slum.

Kafka, too, though Czech by birth, wrote only in literary German. His position as an outsider to the language in which he was forced to express himself can find parallels not only in the experience of the Muirs and other Scots writers, but also in that of Irish writers such as James Joyce and John Synge.

Franz Kafka: The Trial (1925)

It's become rather fashionable to denounce the work of these two pioneers, working (as they did) from inadequate texts, with insufficient information, in favour of the more scholarly efforts of later translators. Here's the first sentence of The Trial in the Muirs' 1937 translation:
Someone must have been telling lies about Joseph K., for without having done anything wrong he was arrested one fine morning.

Franz Kafka: The Trial: Definitive Edition (1956)

What was my surprise, on purchasing the (so-called) 1956 "definitive" edition of the novel, "revised, with additional chapter and notes, by Professor E. M. Butler," to find that this sentence had been recast as follows:
Someone must have traduced Joseph K., for without having done anything wrong he was arrested one fine morning.
"Traduced"! Of all the clumsy, latinate words one could possibly have selected! The simple expressiveness of that "telling lies about" is ruined, along with the entire rhythm of the sentence, out of pure pedantry. So much for Professor Butler as a prose stylist ...

But wait a second, you may interject at this point, what did Kafka actually say? The original opening sentence reads as follows:
Jemand Mußte Josef K. verleumdet haben, denn ohne daß er etwas Böses getan hätte, wurde er eines Morgens verhaftet.
A literal translation of this would read more or less as follow:
Somebody must Josef K. have slandered, because without that he anything wicked had done, was he one morning arrested.
Or, in more normal English:
Somebody must have slandered Josef K., because he was arrested one morning without having done anything bad.
Even "slandered" is better than that word "traduced" - but what's wrong with "telling lies about"? It's far more expressive, and brings the whole sentence to life.

The whole subject is discussed at length by Breon Mitchell, whose translation of The Trial was published in 1998. He's worried that both the Muirs and Butler fail to allow for the uncertain nature of that statement of Josef K.'s innocence. Their smoothing out of "getan hätte," a subjunctive tense, in his view renders too absolute the claim that he'd done no wrong. Mitchell's own version reads as follows:
Someone must have slandered Josef K., for one morning, without having done anything truly wrong, he was arrested.
"Truly wrong"! Not only is this a clumsy expression, but it also swings the pendulum too far in the opposite direction. Now we're being set up to regard Josef K. with a certain suspicion - thus obscuring the generally accepted point of Kafka's book.

Willa Muir: Imagined Corners (1931)

The Muirs were fascinating people, and they were already accomplished writers before turning to translation as a means of making extra income. Both wrote fiction, and memoirs, and they had a clear sense of just how a novel should work. You can't retain all the possible niggles of meaning in your own head, let alone in a phrase from a foreign language, when you're setting the tone for an entire narrative with your opening sentence.

Perhaps Breon Mitchell is right. I'm sure he knows far more about the German subjunctive - and the complex state of Kafka's texts - than I ever will. But he clearly doesn't know much about writing good English prose. His own sentence is clumsy, ill-balanced, and contains too many subordinate clauses. It's more use as a crib than as a translation.

It's interesting, too, how little this quibble over tenses seems to have influenced the other five or six translators who've made their own complete versions of The Trial. Were they all wrong? Or is it just a way of justifying monkeying around further with one of the most famous opening sentences in modern literature?

I'm sure that there are many things that require revision in these early translations, especially given the extra materials which have since been unearthed, and the inexorable succession of newly edited critical editions so beloved of German scholars (each new one requiring a new English translation, naturally).

Edwin Muir: Selected Poems (1965)

But don't criticise Edwin and Willa Muir for a lack of style. They'll run rings around you unless you, too, are in the habit of publishing original literary works on a regular basis. There are things you learn when constructing your own poems and stories which come as a great help when you're trying to make a translated author sound natural and idiomatic in a new linguistic matrix.

At least there's a certain fixity to these three novels, however. There are, unequivocally, three of them. Nor have the 'extra chapters' and 'abandoned drafts' which have been soldered more or less awkwardly into Brod's original versions from time to time altered the main lines of each of the narratives.

Franz Kafka: The Man Who Disappeared (1998)

There have, admittedly, been a few irritating attempts to alter the title of America (or Amerika, if you prefer) to some variation on its alternative name Der Verschollene [The Man Who Disappeared]. This culminated in Michael Hofmann's 1996 translation entitled The Man Who Disappeared (Amerika). Honestly, who cares?

The real issue for completists such as myself is the short stories. Or the sketches and short stories. Or the short stories, sketches, and parables. How many are there? How are they to be defined? Which editions have which of them? Are any of the various collections of them to date actually "complete"? What is a story - in Kafkaesque terms - anyway?

The whole thing started inoccuously enough. In his lifetime Kafka published three small collections of stories - or sketches - or parables. They are as follows (you can find complete, bilingual lists of their contents in the bibliography below):

    Franz Kafka: Betrachtung (1912 [1913])

  1. Betrachtung [Contemplation]. Leipzig: Rowohlt Verlag, 1912 [or, rather, printed at the end of 1912, but with a title page listing it as "1913," hence the use of both dates in different bibliographies]. A collection of 18 stories.

  2. Franz Kafka: Ein Landarzt (1919)

  3. Ein Landarzt [A Country Doctor]. Leipzig: Kurt Wolff, 1919. A collection of 14 stories.

  4. Franz Kafka: Ein Hungerkünstler (1924)

  5. Ein Hungerkünstler [A Hunger Artist]. Leipzig: Verlag Die Schmiede 1924. A collection of four stories, prepared for publication by Kafka, but published a few months after his death.
He also published the following stories, some of his most famous among them, in periodicals here and there:
  1. Das Urteil [The Judgment] (1913)
  2. Die Verwandlung [The Metamorphosis] (1915)
  3. Der Heizer [The Stoker] (1913) [Included in Amerika (1927)]
  4. In der Strafkolonie [In the Penal Colony] (1919)

You can find all of these "authorised" stories collected conveniently in the following volume:

Stories 1904-1924. Trans. J. A. Underwood. Foreword by Jorge Luis Borges. 1981. A Futura Book. London: Macdonald & Co, 1983.

After that, however, things get a bit more complicated. Max Brod found a great many stories among Kafka's papers, some of which he published in the volume Beim Bau der chinesischen Mauer [The Great Wall of China] in 1931. The Muirs translated it in 1933.

Successive attempts to publish the remainder of the stories resulted in a number of overlapping collections in English over the next couple of decades. Here's a selection of the major ones - three in the Secker & Warburg "definitive edition", and three similar but not identical collections in the Penguin Classics:

    Franz Kafka: In the Penal Settlement (1949)

  1. In the Penal Settlement: Tales and Short Prose Works. Definitive Edition. 1935. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. London: Secker & Warburg, 1949.

  2. Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Posthumous Prose Writings: Definitive Edition. 1953. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins. London: Secker & Warburg, 1954.

  3. Description of a Struggle and The Great Wall of China: Definitive Edition. 1933. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir and Tania & James Stern. 1958. London: Secker & Warburg, 1960.

  4. Franz Kafka: Metamorphosis and Other Stories (1974)

  5. Metamorphosis and Other Stories. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1933 & 1958. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.

  6. Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Stories. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins. 1953. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

  7. Description of a Struggle and Other Stories. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir, Malcolm Pasley, Tania & James Stern. 1973. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.

Between them, these two sets of three volumes contain virtually everything publishable from Kafka's Nachlaß, or literary remains.

The situation in the USA is quite different, however. There the diffusion of Kafka's short stories is dominated by two books, both compiled and edited by Nahum Glatzer. They are:

    Franz Kafka: Parables and Paradoxes (1961)

  1. Parables and Paradoxes (Parabeln und Paradoxe). Ed. Nahum N. Glatzer. Trans. Clement Greenberg; Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins; Willa & Edwin Muir; Tania and James Stern. New York: Schocken Books, 1961.

  2. Franz Kafka: The Complete Stories (1971)

  3. The Complete Stories. Ed. Nahum N. Glatzer. New York: Schocken Books, 1971.

Between them, these two books contain virtually everything in Kafka's literary remains which could possibly be regarded as a 'story', including pieces taken from novel drafts, diaries, and other miscellaneous sources.

In the following list (cribbed mainly from the Wikipedia page devoted to Franz Kafka's Bibliography) you can see the inclusiveness of Glatzer's two collections:
    [bold = included in Complete Stories (1971) /
    underlined = included in Parables and Paradoxes (1961)]

  1. Betrachtung [Contemplation] (1912)
    1. Kinder auf der Landstraße [Children on a Country Road]
    2. Die Bäume [The Trees]
    3. Kleider [Clothes]
    4. Der Ausflug ins Gebirge [Excursion into the Mountains]
    5. Die Abweisung [Rejection]
    6. Das Gassenfenster [The Street Window]
    7. Der Kaufmann [The Tradesman]
    8. Zerstreutes Hinausschaun [Absent-minded Window-gazing]
    9. Der Nachhauseweg [The Way Home]
    10. Die Vorüberlaufenden [Passers-by]
    11. Der Fahrgast [On the Tram]
    12. Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter [Reflections for Gentlemen-Jockeys]
    13. Wunsch, Indianer zu werden [The Wish to be a Red Indian]
    14. Unglücklichsein [Unhappiness]
    15. Das Unglück des Junggesellen [Bachelor's Ill Luck]
    16. Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers [Unmasking a Confidence Trickster]
    17. Der plötzliche Spaziergang [The Sudden Walk]
    18. Entschlüsse [Resolutions]

  2. Ein Landarzt [A Country Doctor] (1919)
    1. Der neue Advokat [The New Advocate]
    2. Ein Landarzt [A Country Doctor]
    3. Auf der Galerie [Up in the Gallery]
    4. Ein altes Blatt [An Old Manuscript]
    5. Vor dem Gesetz [Before the Law]
    6. Schakale und Araber [Jackals and Arabs]
    7. Ein Besuch im Bergwerk [A Visit to a Mine]
    8. Das nächste Dorf [The Next Village]
    9. Eine kaiserliche Botschaft [A Message from the Emperor]
    10. Die Sorge des Hausvaters [The Cares of a Family Man]
    11. Elf Söhne [Eleven Sons]
    12. Der Mord / Ein Brudermord [A Fratricide]
    13. Ein Traum [A Dream]
    14. Ein Bericht für eine Akademie [A Report to an Academy]

  3. Miscellaneous:
    1. Der Unredliche in seinem Herzen [Shamefaced Lanky and Impure in Heart] (1902) [Included in Letters to Friends, Family & Editors (1959)]
    2. Beschreibung eines Kampfes [Description of a Struggle] (1909)
      1. Gespräch mit dem Beter [Conversation with the Supplicant]
      2. Gespräch mit dem Betrunkenen [Conversation with the Drunk]
    3. Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande [Wedding Preparations in the Country] (1907-1908)
    4. Das Urteil [The Judgment] (1913)
    5. Die Verwandlung [The Metamorphosis] (1915)
    6. Der Heizer [The Stoker] (1913) [In Amerika (1927)]
    7. In der Strafkolonie [In the Penal Colony] (1919)
    8. Der Dorfschullehrer / Der Riesenmaulwurf [The Village Schoolmaster / The Giant Mole] (1915)
    9. Blumfeld, ein älterer Junggeselle [Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor] (1913)
    10. Der Gruftwächter [The Warden of the Tomb] (1916-17)
    11. Der Jäger Gracchus [The Hunter Gracchus] (1917)
    12. Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer [The Great Wall of China] (1917)
    13. Die Abweisung [The Refusal] (1920)
    14. Ein Hungerkünstler [A Hunger Artist] (1922)
    15. Forschungen eines Hundes [Investigations of a Dog] (1922)
    16. Eine kleine Frau [A Little Woman] (1924)
    17. Der Bau [The Burrow] (1931)
    18. Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse [Josephine the Singer, or The Mouse Folk] (1924)
    19. Die Brücke [The Bridge]
    20. Der Kübelreiter [The Bucket Rider] (1917)
    21. Der Schlag ans Hoftor [The Knock at the Manor Gate]
    22. Der Nachbar [My Neighbour] (1917)
    23. Eine Kreuzung [A Crossbreed]
    24. Eine alltägliche Verwirrung [A Common Confusion]
    25. Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa [The Truth about Sancho Panza]
    26. Das Schweigen der Sirenen [The Silence of the Sirens]
    27. Prometheus [Prometheus] (1917-23)
    28. Das Stadtwappen [The City Coat of Arms]
    29. Poseidon [Poseidon] (1920)
    30. Gemeinschaft [Fellowship]
    31. Nachts [At Night]
    32. Zur Frage der Gesetze [The Problem of Our Laws]
    33. Die Truppenaushebung [The Conscription of Troops]
    34. Die Prüfung [The Test]
    35. Der Geier [The Vulture]
    36. Der Steuermann [The Helmsman]
    37. Der Kreisel [The Top]
    38. Kleine Fabel [A Little Fable]
    39. Heimkehr [Home-Coming]
    40. Erstes Leid [First Sorrow] (1921-22)
    41. Der Aufbruch [The Departure] (1920-21)
    42. Fürsprecher [Advocates] (1922)
    43. Das Ehepaar [The Married Couple] (1922)
    44. Gibs auf! [Give It Up!]
    45. Von den Gleichnissen [On Parables]
    46. Der Kaiser von Peking [Peking and the Emperor]
    47. Die Chinesische Mauer und der Turmbau von Babel [The Great Wall and the Tower of Babel]
    48. Das Paradies [Paradise]
    49. Der Turm zu Babel [The Tower of Babel]
    50. Der Schacht von Babel [The Pit of Babel]
    51. Abraham [Abraham]
    52. Der Berg Sinai [Mount Sinai]
    53. Der Tempelbau [The Building of the Temple]
    54. Das Tier in der Synagoge [The Animal in the Synagogue]
    55. Der Wächter [The Watchman]
    56. Das Kommen des Messias [The Coming of the Messiah]
    57. Die Sirenen [The Sirens]
    58. Leoparden in Tempel [Leopards in the Temple]
    59. Alexander der Grosse [Alexander the Great]
    60. Diogenes [Diogenes]
    61. Der Bau einer Stadt [The Building of a City]
    62. Der Kaiserliche Oberst [The Imperial Colonel]
    63. Der Kaiser [The Emperor]
    64. In der Karawanserei [In the Caravansary]
    65. Die Zelle [The Cell]
    66. Die Erfindung des Teufels [The Invention of the Devil]
    67. Die Wilden [The Savages]
    68. Der Grüne Drache [The Green Dragon]
    69. Der Tiger [The Tiger]
    70. Kuriere [Couriers]
    71. Ein Geduldspiel [A Chinese Puzzle]
    72. Robinson Crusoe [Robinson Crusoe]
    73. Die Quelle [The Spring]
    74. Die Unersättlichsten [The Hunger Strike]
    75. Das Ziel [My Destination]

  4. Franz Kafka: The Lost Writings, trans. Michael Hofmann (2020)

    No doubt volumes such as the above - with its tantalising promise of "seventy-four pieces ... lost to sight for decades ... two of them [never] translated into English before," will continue to appear.

    However, if you just want to read Kafka but have been unsure where to start - and you should: Kafka's shorter work is a revelation! - I'd advise either trying to obtain the two Nahum Glatzer edited collections mentioned above, or else the three readily available Penguin Classics compilations.

    Unless you're lucky enough to be able to read German, that is, in which case you could probably content yourself with this:

    Franz Kafka: Sämtliche Erzählungen (1970)

    Franz Kafka (1923)

    Franz Kafka


    1. The Trial. ['Der Prozess', 1925]. Trans. Willa and Edwin Muir (1937). In The Trial / America / The Castle / Metamorphosis / In the Penal Settlement / The Great Wall of China / Investigations of a Dog / Letter to His Father / The Diaries 1910-1923. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir et al. London: Secker & Warburg / Octopus, 1976.
      • The Trial: Definitive Edition. 1925. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1937. Rev. E. M. Butler. 1956. London: Secker & Warburg, 1963.
      • The Trial. 1925. Trans. Douglas Scott & Chris Waller. Introduction by J. P. Stern. 1977. London: Picador, 1980.

    2. The Castle. ['Das Schloss', 1926]. Trans. Willa and Edwin Muir (1930). In The Trial / America / The Castle / Metamorphosis / In the Penal Settlement / The Great Wall of China / Investigations of a Dog / Letter to His Father / The Diaries 1910-1923. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir et al. London: Secker & Warburg / Octopus, 1976.
      • The Castle: Definitive Edition. 1926. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1930. Rev. Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser. 1953. London: Secker & Warburg, 1961.

    3. America. ['Amerika oder Der Verschollene', 1927]. Trans. Willa and Edwin Muir (1938). In The Trial / America / The Castle / Metamorphosis / In the Penal Settlement / The Great Wall of China / Investigations of a Dog / Letter to His Father / The Diaries 1910-1923. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir et al. London: Secker & Warburg / Octopus, 1976.
      • Amerika: Roman. 1935. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1985.
      • America: Definitive Edition. 1927. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1938. Rev. ed. London: Secker & Warburg, 1949.
      • The Man Who Disappeared (Amerika). 1927. Trans. Michael Hofmann. Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1996.

    4. Collections:

    5. Sämtliche Erzählungen. Ed. Paul Raabe. 1970. Hamburg: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983.
        I. Die vom Autor veröffentlichten Bücher
      1. Betrachtung (1913)
        1. Kinder auf der Landstraße
        2. Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers
        3. Der plötzliche Spaziergang
        4. Entschlüsse
        5. Der Ausflug ins Gebirge
        6. Das Unglück des Junggesellen
        7. Der Kaufmann
        8. Zerstreutes Hinausschaun
        9. Der Nachhauseweg
        10. Die Vorüberlaufenden
        11. Der Fahrgast
        12. Kleider
        13. Die Abweisung
        14. Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter
        15. Das Gassenfenster
        16. Wunsch, Indianer zu werden
        17. Die Bäume
        18. Unglücklichsein
      2. Das Urteil (1913)
      3. Der Heizer (1913)
      4. Die Verwandlung (1915)
      5. In der Strafkolonie (1919)
      6. Ein Landarzt (1919)
        1. Der neue Advokat
        2. Ein Landarzt
        3. Auf der Galerie
        4. Ein altes Blatt
        5. Vor dem Gesetz
        6. Schakale und Araber
        7. Ein Besuch im Bergwerk
        8. Das nächste Dorf
        9. Eine kaiserliche Botschaft
        10. Die Sorge des Hausvaters
        11. Elf Söhne
        12. Ein Brudermord
        13. Ein Traum
        14. Ein Bericht für eine Akademie
      7. Ein Hungerkünstler (1924)
        1. Erstes Leid
        2. Eine kleine Frau
        3. Ein Hungerkünstler
        4. Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse
      8. II. Zerstreut veröffentlichte, nicht von Kafka in Bücher aufgenommene Erzählungen
      9. Gespräch mit dem Beter
      10. Gespräch mit dem Betrunkenen
      11. Großer Lärm
      12. Der Kübelreiter
      13. III. Die Erzählungen aus dem Nachlaß
      14. Beschreibung eines Kampfes
      15. Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande
      16. Der Dorfschullehrer
      17. Blumfeld, ein älterer Junggeselle
      18. Die Brücke
      19. Der Jäger Gracchus
      20. Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
      21. Der Schlag ans Hoftor
      22. Der Nachbar
      23. Eine Kreuzung
      24. Eine alltägliche Verwirrung
      25. Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa
      26. Das Schweigen der Sirenen
      27. Prometheus
      28. Das Stadtwappen
      29. Poseidon
      30. Gemeinschaft
      31. Nachts
      32. Die Abweisung
      33. Zur Frage der Gesetze
      34. Die Truppenaushebung
      35. Die Prüfung
      36. Der Geier
      37. Der Steuermann
      38. Der Kreisel
      39. Kleine Fabel
      40. Heimkehr
      41. Der Aufbruch
      42. Fürsprecher
      43. Forschungen eines Hundes
      44. Das Ehepaar
      45. Gibs auf!
      46. Von den Gleichnissen
      47. Der Bau

    6. The Great Wall of China and Other Pieces. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1933. Rev. ed. London: Secker & Warburg, 1946.
        Longer Stories:
      1. Investigations of a Dog [Forschungen eines Hundes]
      2. The Burrow [Der Bau]
      3. The Great Wall of China [Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer]
      4. The Giant Mole [Der Riesenmaulwurf]
      5. Shorter Stories and Fables:
      6. The Hunter Gracchus [Der Jäger Gracchus]
      7. The Married Couple [Das Ehepaar]
      8. My Neighbour [Der Nachbar]
      9. A Common Confusion [Eine alltägliche Verwirrung]
      10. The Bridge [Die Brücke]
      11. The Bucket Rider [Der Kübelreiter]
      12. A Crossbreed [Eine Kreuzung]
      13. The Knock at the Manor Gate [Der Schlag ans Hoftor]
      14. The City Coat of Arms [Das Stadtwappen]
      15. The Silence of the Sirens [Das Schweigen der Sirenen]
      16. Prometheus [Prometheus]
      17. The Truth about Sancho Panza [Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa]
      18. The Problem of Our Laws [Zur Frage der Gesetze]
      19. On Parables [Von den Gleichnissen]
      20. A Little Fable [Kleine Fabel]
      21. Aphorisms:
      22. "He"
      23. Reflections on Sin, Pain, Hope and the True Way [Betrachtungen über Sünde, Hoffnung, Leid und den wahren Weg]

    7. The Metamorphosis / Die Verwandlung. 1935. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1968. New York: Schocken Books, 1974.

    8. In the Penal Settlement: Tales and Short Prose Works. Definitive Edition. 1935. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. London: Secker & Warburg, 1949.
      1. Two Dialogues (From a work later destroyed: 'Description of a Struggle' [Beschreibung eines Kampfes])
        1. Conversation with the Suppliant [Gespräch mit dem Beter]
        2. Conversation with the Drunken Man [Gespräch mit dem Betrunkenen]
      2. Meditation [Betrachtung]
        1. Children on a Country Road [Kinder auf der Landstraße]
        2. Unmasking a Confidence Trickster [Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers]
        3. The Sudden Walk [Der plötzliche Spaziergang]
        4. Resolutions [Entschlüsse]
        5. Excursion into the Mountains [Der Ausflug ins Gebirge]
        6. Bachelor's Ill Luck [Das Unglück des Junggesellen]
        7. The Tradesman [Der Kaufmann]
        8. Absent-minded Window-gazing [Zerstreutes Hinausschaun]
        9. The Way Home [Der Nachhauseweg]
        10. Passers-by [Die Vorüberlaufenden]
        11. On the Tram [Der Fahrgast]
        12. Clothes [Kleider]
        13. Rejection [Die Abweisung]
        14. Reflections for Gentlemen Jockeys [Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter]
        15. The Street Window [Das Gassenfenster]
        16. The Wish to be a Red Indian [Wunsch, Indianer zu werden]
        17. The Trees [Die Bäume]
        18. Unhappiness [Unglücklichsein]
      3. The Judgement [Das Urteil]
      4. The Transformation [Die Verwandlung]
      5. A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
        1. The New Advocate [Der neue Advokat]
        2. A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
        3. Up in the Gallery [Auf der Galerie]
        4. An Old Manuscript [Ein altes Blatt]
        5. Before the Law [Vor dem Gesetz]
        6. Jackals and Arabs [Schakale und Araber]
        7. A Visit to a Mine [Ein Besuch im Bergwerk]
        8. The Next Village [Das nächste Dorf]
        9. A Message from the Emperor [Eine kaiserliche Botschaft]
        10. Troubles of a Householder [Die Sorge des Hausvaters]
        11. Eleven Sons [Elf Söhne]
        12. A Brother's Murder [Ein Brudermord]
        13. A Dream [Ein Traum]
        14. A Report to an Academy [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
      6. In the Penal Settlement [In der Strafkolonie]
      7. A Hunger Artist [Ein Hungerkünstler]
        1. First Sorrow [Erstes Leid]
        2. A Little Woman [Eine kleine Frau]
        3. A Fasting Showman [Ein Hungerkünstler]
        4. Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse-folk [Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse]
      8. Appendix:
      9. First Chapter of the Book Richard and Samuel, by Max Brod and Franz Kafka
        1. Foreword [Vorwort]
        2. The First Long Train Journey [Die erste lange Eisenbahnfahrt]
      10. Epilogue (Publisher's Note)

    9. Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Posthumous Prose Writings: Definitive Edition. 1953. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins. London: Secker & Warburg, 1954.
      1. Wedding Preparations in the Country [Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande]
      2. Reflections on Sin, Pain, Hope and the True Way [Betrachtungen über Sünde, Hoffnung, Leid und den wahren Weg]
      3. The Eight Octavo Notebooks [Oxforder Oktavhefte]
      4. Letter to His Father [Brief an den Vater]
      5. Fragments from Note-books and Loose Pages
      6. Paralipomena

    10. Description of a Struggle and The Great Wall of China: Definitive Edition. 1933. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir and Tania & James Stern. 1958. London: Secker & Warburg, 1960.
      1. Introduction by Edwin Muir to The Great Wall of China
      2. Description of a Struggle [Beschreibung eines Kampfes]
      3. The Great Wall of China [Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer]
      4. The Refusal [Die Abweisung]
      5. The Problem of Our Laws [Zur Frage der Gesetze]
      6. The City Coat of Arms [Das Stadtwappen]
      7. On Parables [Von den Gleichnissen]
      8. Poseidon [Poseidon]
      9. The Hunter Gracchus [Der Jäger Gracchus]
      10. The Knock at the Manor Gate [Der Schlag ans Hoftor]
      11. A Crossbreed [Eine Kreuzung]
      12. The Bridge [Die Brücke]
      13. The Vulture [Der Geier]
      14. The Departure [Der Aufbruch]
      15. Give it Up! [Gibs auf!]
      16. At Night [Nachts]
      17. The Helmsman [Der Steuermann]
      18. The Top [Der Kreisel]
      19. A Little Fable [Kleine Fabel]
      20. The Bucket Rider [Der Kübelreiter]
      21. The Married Couple [Das Ehepaar]
      22. My Neighbour [Der Nachbar]
      23. The Test [Die Prüfung]
      24. Advocates [Fürsprecher]
      25. Home-coming [Heimkehr]
      26. Fellowship [Gemeinschaft]
      27. Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor [Blumfeld, ein älterer Junggeselle]
      28. The Burrow [Der Bau]
      29. The Giant Mole [Der Riesenmaulwurf]
      30. Investigations of a Dog [Forschungen eines Hundes]
      31. "He"
      32. The Warden of the Tomb [Der Gruftwächter]
      33. Fragments of 'A Report to an Academy' [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
      34. Fragment of 'The Great Wall of China' [Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer]
      35. The Conscription of Troops [Die Truppenaushebung]
      36. Fragment of 'The Hunter Gracchus' [Der Jäger Gracchus]
      37. Postscript by Max Brod to the German Edition

    11. Metamorphosis and Other Stories. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1933 & 1958. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
      1. Metamorphosis [Die Verwandlung]
      2. The Great Wall of China [Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer]
      3. Investigations of a Dog [Forschungen eines Hundes]
      4. The Burrow [Der Bau]
      5. In the Penal Settlement [In der Strafkolonie]
      6. The Giant Mole [Der Riesenmaulwurf]

    12. Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Stories. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins. 1953. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
      1. Wedding Preparations in the Country [Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande]
      2. Letter to His Father [Brief an den Vater]
      3. Two Dialogues (From a work later destroyed: 'Description of a Struggle' [Beschreibung eines Kampfes])
        1. Conversation with the Suppliant [Gespräch mit dem Beter]
        2. Conversation with the Drunken Man [Gespräch mit dem Betrunkenen]
      4. Meditation [Betrachtung]
        1. Children on a Country Road [Kinder auf der Landstraße]
        2. Unmasking a Confidence Trickster [Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers]
        3. The Sudden Walk [Der plötzliche Spaziergang]
        4. Resolutions [Entschlüsse]
        5. Excursion into the Mountains [Der Ausflug ins Gebirge]
        6. Bachelor's Ill Luck [Das Unglück des Junggesellen]
        7. The Tradesman [Der Kaufmann]
        8. Absent-minded Window-gazing [Zerstreutes Hinausschaun]
        9. The Way Home [Der Nachhauseweg]
        10. Passers-by [Die Vorüberlaufenden]
        11. On the Tram [Der Fahrgast]
        12. Clothes [Kleider]
        13. Rejection [Die Abweisung]
        14. Reflections for Gentlemen Jockeys [Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter]
        15. The Street Window [Das Gassenfenster]
        16. The Wish to be a Red Indian [Wunsch, Indianer zu werden]
        17. The Trees [Die Bäume]
        18. Unhappiness [Unglücklichsein]
      5. The Judgement [Das Urteil]
      6. A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
        1. The New Advocate [Der neue Advokat]
        2. A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
        3. Up in the Gallery [Auf der Galerie]
        4. An Old Manuscript [Ein altes Blatt]
        5. Before the Law [Vor dem Gesetz]
        6. Jackals and Arabs [Schakale und Araber]
        7. A Visit to a Mine [Ein Besuch im Bergwerk]
        8. The Next Village [Das nächste Dorf]
        9. A Message from the Emperor [Eine kaiserliche Botschaft]
        10. Troubles of a Householder [Die Sorge des Hausvaters]
        11. Eleven Sons [Elf Söhne]
        12. A Brother's Murder [Ein Brudermord]
        13. A Dream [Ein Traum]
        14. A Report to an Academy [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
      7. A Hunger Artist [Ein Hungerkünstler]
        1. First Sorrow [Erstes Leid]
        2. A Little Woman [Eine kleine Frau]
        3. A Fasting Showman [Ein Hungerkünstler]
        4. Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse-folk [Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse]

    13. Description of a Struggle and Other Stories. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir, Malcolm Pasley, Tania & James Stern. 1973. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979.
      1. Description of a Struggle [Beschreibung eines Kampfes]
      2. Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor [Blumfeld, ein älterer Junggeselle]
      3. The Warden of the Tomb [Der Gruftwächter]
      4. The Bridge [Die Brücke]
      5. The Hunter Gracchus [Der Jäger Gracchus]
      6. Fragments of 'A Report to an Academy' [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
      7. The Bucket Rider [Der Kübelreiter]
      8. The Knock at the Manor Gate [Der Schlag ans Hoftor]
      9. My Neighbour [Der Nachbar]
      10. A Crossbreed [Eine Kreuzung]
      11. An Everyday Occurrence [Eine alltägliche Verwirrung]
      12. The Truth about Sancho Panza [Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa]
      13. The Silence of the Sirens [Das Schweigen der Sirenen]
      14. Prometheus [Prometheus]
      15. The City Coat of Arms [Das Stadtwappen]
      16. Poseidon [Poseidon]
      17. Fellowship [Gemeinschaft]
      18. At Night [Nachts]
      19. The Refusal [Die Abweisung]
      20. The Problem of Our Laws [Zur Frage der Gesetze]
      21. The Conscription of Troops [Die Truppenaushebung]
      22. The Test [Die Prüfung]
      23. The Vulture [Der Geier]
      24. The Helmsman [Der Steuermann]
      25. The Top [Der Kreisel]
      26. A Little Fable [Kleine Fabel]
      27. Homecoming [Heimkehr]
      28. The Departure [Der Aufbruch]
      29. Advocates [Fürsprecher]
      30. The Married Couple [Das Ehepaar]
      31. A Comment [Gibs auf!]
      32. On Parables [Von den Gleichnissen]

    14. Parables and Paradoxes (Parabeln und Paradoxe). Trans. Clement Greenberg; Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins; Willa & Edwin Muir; Tania and James Stern . Ed. Nahum N. Glatzer. New York: Schocken Books, 1961.
      1. On Parables
      2. I
      3. An Imperial Message
      4. Peking and the Emperor
      5. The News of the Building of the Wall: a Fragment
      6. The Great wall and the Tower of Babel
      7. II
      8. Paradise
      9. The Tower of Babel
      10. The Pit of Babel
      11. The City Coat of Arms
      12. Abraham
      13. Mount Sinai
      14. The Building of the Temple
      15. The Animal in the Synagogue
      16. Before the Law
      17. The Watchman
      18. The Coming of the Messiah
      19. III
      20. Prometheus
      21. Poseidon
      22. The Silence of the Sirens
      23. The Sirens
      24. Leopards in the Temple
      25. Alexander the Great
      26. Diogenes
      27. The New Attorney
      28. IV
      29. The Building of a City
      30. The Imperial Colonel
      31. The Emperor
      32. In the Caravansary
      33. The Cell
      34. The Invention of the Devil
      35. The Savages
      36. The Hunter Gracchus + Fragment
      37. The Vulture
      38. The Green Dragon
      39. The Tiger
      40. The Problem of Our Laws
      41. The Refusal
      42. Couriers
      43. A Chinese Puzzle
      44. The Truth about Sancho Panza
      45. The Test
      46. Robinson Crusoe
      47. The Spring
      48. The Hunger Strike
      49. My Destination

    15. The Complete Stories. Ed. Nahum N. Glatzer. 1971. New York: Schocken Books, 1976.
        Two Introductory Parables:
      1. Before the Law [from The Trial]
      2. An Imperial Message [from "The Great Wall of China"]
      3. The Longer Stories:
      4. Description of a Struggle
      5. Wedding Preparations in the Country
      6. The Judgment
      7. The Metamorphosis
      8. In the Penal Colony
      9. The Village Schoolmaster (The Giant Mole)
      10. Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor
      11. The Warden of the Tomb
      12. A Country Doctor
      13. The Hunter Gracchus + fragment
      14. The Great Wall of China + fragment
      15. A Report to an Academy + two fragments
      16. The Refusal
      17. A Hunger Artist
      18. Investigations of a Dog
      19. A Little Woman
      20. The Burrow
      21. Josephine the Singer, or The Mouse Folk
      22. The Shorter Stories:
      23. Children on a Country Road
      24. The Trees
      25. Clothes
      26. Excursion into the Mountains
      27. The Rejection
      28. The Street Window
      29. The Tradesman
      30. Absent-minded Window-gazing
      31. The Way Home
      32. Passers-by
      33. On the Tram
      34. Reflections for Gentlemen-Jockeys
      35. The Wish to be a Red Indian
      36. Unhappiness
      37. Bachelor's Ill Luck
      38. Unmasking a Confidence Trickster
      39. The Sudden Walk
      40. Resolutions
      41. A Dream
      42. Up in the Gallery
      43. A Fratricide
      44. The Next Village
      45. A Visit to a Mine
      46. Jackals and Arabs
      47. The Bridge
      48. The Bucket Rider
      49. The New Advocate
      50. An Old Manuscript
      51. The Knock at the Manor Gate
      52. Eleven Sons
      53. My Neighbor
      54. A Crossbreed
      55. The Cares of a Family Man
      56. A Common Confusion
      57. The Truth about Sancho Panza
      58. The Silence of the Sirens
      59. Prometheus
      60. The City Coat of Arms
      61. Poseidon
      62. Fellowship
      63. At Night
      64. The Problem of Our Laws
      65. The Conscription of Troops
      66. The Test
      67. The Vulture
      68. The Helmsman
      69. The Top
      70. A Little Fable
      71. Home-Coming
      72. First Sorrow
      73. The Departure
      74. Advocates
      75. The Married Couple
      76. Give it Up!
      77. On Parables
      78. Postscript, by Nahum N. Glatzer

    16. Stories 1904-1924. Trans. J. A. Underwood. Foreword by Jorge Luis Borges. 1981. A Futura Book. London: Macdonald & Co, 1983.
      1. Looking to See [Betrachtung]
        1. Children in the lane [Kinder auf der Landstraße]
        2. Unmasking a confidence trickster [Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers]
        3. The spur-of-the-moment stroll [Der plötzliche Spaziergang]
        4. Decisions [Entschlüsse]
        5. The excursion into the mountains [Der Ausflug ins Gebirge]
        6. The bachelor's lot [Das Unglück des Junggesellen]
        7. The businessman [Der Kaufmann]
        8. Wool-gathering at the window [Zerstreutes Hinausschaun]
        9. The way home [Der Nachhauseweg]
        10. Passers-by [Die Vorüberlaufenden]
        11. The passenger [Der Fahrgast]
        12. Dresses [Kleider]
        13. The rebuff [Die Abweisung]
        14. For jockeys to ponder [Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter]
        15. The window on the street [Das Gassenfenster]
        16. Wanting to be a Red Indian [Wunsch, Indianer zu werden]
        17. The trees [Die Bäume]
        18. Unhappiness [Unglücklichsein]
      2. The Judgement [Das Urteil]
      3. The Stoker [Der Heizer]
      4. The Metamorphosis [Die Verwandlung]
      5. In the Penal Colony [In der Strafkolonie]
      6. A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
        1. The new attorney [Der neue Advokat]
        2. A country doctor [Ein Landarzt]
        3. In the gallery [Auf der Galerie]
        4. A leaf from the past [Ein altes Blatt]
        5. At the door of the law [Vor dem Gesetz]
        6. Jackals and Arabs [Schakale und Araber]
        7. A mine visit [Ein Besuch im Bergwerk]
        8. The next village [Das nächste Dorf]
        9. A message from the emperor [Eine kaiserliche Botschaft]
        10. The householder's concern [Die Sorge des Hausvaters]
        11. Eleven sons [Elf Söhne]
        12. A case of fratricide [Ein Brudermord]
        13. A dream [Ein Traum]
        14. A report for an academy [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
      7. A Fasting-Artist [Ein Hungerkünstler]
        1. First sorrow [Erstes Leid]
        2. A little woman [Eine kleine Frau]
        3. A fasting-artist [Ein Hungerkünstler]
        4. Josephine the singer, or The mouse people [Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse]

    17. Metamorphosis and Other Stories. Trans. Michael Hoffman. Modern Classics. London: Penguin, 2007.
      1. Contemplation [Betrachtung] (1913)
        1. Children on the Road [Kinder auf der Landstraße]
        2. Unmasking a Confidence Trickster [Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers]
        3. The Sudden Walk [Der plötzliche Spaziergang]
        4. Resolutions [Entschlüsse]
        5. The Excursion into the Mountains [Der Ausflug ins Gebirge]
        6. The Plight of the Bachelor [Das Unglück des Junggesellen]
        7. The Businessman [Der Kaufmann]
        8. Looking out Distractedly [Zerstreutes Hinausschaun]
        9. The Way Home [Der Nachhauseweg]
        10. The Men Running Past [Die Vorüberlaufenden]
        11. The Passenger [Der Fahrgast]
        12. Dresses [Kleider]
        13. The Rejection [Die Abweisung]
        14. For the Consideration of Amateur Jockeys [Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter]
        15. The Window on to the Street [Das Gassenfenster]
        16. Desire to be a Red Indian [Wunsch, Indianer zu werden]
        17. The Trees [Die Bäume]
        18. Being Unhappy [Unglücklichsein]
      2. The Judgement: A Story for F. [Das Urteil] (1913)
      3. The Stoker: A Fragment [Der Heizer] (1913)
      4. Metamorphosis [Die Verwandlung] (1913)
      5. In the Penal Colony [In der Strafkolonie] (1919)
      6. A Country Doctor: Short Prose for my Father [Ein Landarzt] (2020)
        1. The New Advocate [Der neue Advokat]
        2. A Country Doctor [Ein Landarzt]
        3. In the Gallery [Auf der Galerie]
        4. An Old Journal [Ein altes Blatt]
        5. Before the Law [Vor dem Gesetz]
        6. Jackals and Arabs [Schakale und Araber]
        7. A Visit to the Mine [Ein Besuch im Bergwerk]
        8. The Neighbouring Village [Das nächste Dorf]
        9. A Message from the Emperor [Eine kaiserliche Botschaft]
        10. The Worries of a Head of Household [Die Sorge des Hausvaters]
        11. Eleven Sons [Elf Söhne]
        12. A Fratricide [Ein Brudermord]
        13. A Dream [Ein Traum]
        14. A Report to an Academy [Ein Bericht für eine Akademie]
      7. A Hunger-Artist: Four Stories [Ein Hungerkünstler] (1924)
        1. First Sorrow [Erstes Leid]
        2. A Little Woman [Eine kleine Frau]
        3. A Hunger-Artist [Ein Hungerkünstler]
        4. Josefine, the Singer, or The Mouse People [Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse]
      8. Appendix
        1. Aeroplanes in Brescia [Die Aeroplane in Brescia] (1909)
        2. Great Noise [Großer Lärm] (1912)
        3. The Coal-Scuttle Rider [Der Kübelreiter] (1921)

    18. Abandoned Fragments: The Unedited Works of Franz Kafka, 1897-1917. ["Nachgelassene Schriften und Fragmente", Vol. 1 of 2, 1992]. Trans. Ida Pfitzner. USA: Sun Vision Press, 2012.

    19. Investigations of a Dog & Other Creatures. Trans. Michael Hofmann. New York: New Directions Press, 2017.

    20. The Lost Writings. ["Nachgelassene Schriften und Fragmente", 2 vols, 1992-93]. Ed. Reiner Stach. Trans. Michael Hoffman. A New Directions Paperbook. New York: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2020.

    21. Essays:

    22. Die Aeroplane in Brescia [Aeroplanes in Brescia] (1909)
    23. [with Max Brod] Die erste lange Eisenbahnfahrt [The First Long Train Journey] (1912)
    24. Eine entschlafene Zeitschrift [Review of Hyperion]
    25. Ein Roman der Jugend: Felix Sternheim, Die Geschichte des jungen Oswald [Review of A Novel about Youth]
    26. Über Kleist's Anekdoten [On Kleist's "Anecdotes"]

    27. Franz Kafka: The Office Writings. Ed. & Trans. Eric Patton & Ruth Hein. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008.

    28. Diaries:

    29. "Reflections on Sin, Pain, Hope and the True Way." ['Die Zürauer Aphorismen' oder 'Betrachtungen über Sünde, Hoffnung, Leid und den wahren Weg', 1931]. In The Great Wall of China and Other Pieces. Trans. Willa & Edwin Muir. 1933. Rev. ed. London: Secker & Warburg, 1946. 142-59.
      • The Zürau Aphorisms. Ed. Roberto Calasso. London: Harvill Secker, 2014.

    30. The Diaries of Franz Kafka: 1910-23. ['Tagebücher 1910–1923', ed. Max Brod, 1948]. Trans. Joseph Kresh and Martin Greenberg with Hannah Arendt. 2 vols. 1948 & 1949. Peregrine Books. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.

    31. "The Eight Octavo Notebooks." ['Oxforder Oktavhefte', 1953]. In Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Posthumous Prose Writings: Definitive Edition. 1953. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins. London: Secker & Warburg, 1954. 54-156.

    32. Letters:

    33. Letters to Milena. ['Briefe an Milena', ed. Willy Haas, 1952]. Trans. Tania & James Stern. 1953. London: Corgi Books, 1967.

    34. Letter to His Father. ['Brief an den Vater', 1953]. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins (1954). In Wedding Preparations in the Country and Other Posthumous Prose Writings: Definitive Edition. 1953. Trans. Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins. London: Secker & Warburg, 1954. 157-217.

    35. Letters to Friends, Family and Editors. ['Briefe 1902–1924', 1959]. Trans. Richard & Clara Winston. 1977. Richmond, Surrey: Alma Classics Ltd., 2014.

    36. Letters to Felice. ['Briefe an Felice und andere Korrespondenz aus der Verlobungszeit, ed. Erich Heller & Jürgen Born, 1967]. Trans. James Stern & Elizabeth Duckworth. 1973. With Elias Canetti: Kafka’s Other Trial. 1969. Trans. Christopher Middleton. 1974. Penguin Modern Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

    37. Letters to Ottla and the Family. ['Briefe an Ottla und die Familie', 1974]. Trans. Robert Boettcher (1982)

    38. I Am a Memory Come Alive: Autobiographical Writings. Ed. Nahum N. Glatzer. 1974. New York: Schocken Books Inc., 1977.

    39. Secondary:

    40. Brod, Max. Franz Kafka: A Biography. 1937. Trans. G. Humphreys Roberts. 1947. Rev. Richard Winston. 1960. New York: Schocken Books, 1973.

    41. Janousch, Gustav. Conversations with Kafka. 1953. Rev. ed. 1968. Trans. Goronwy Rees. New York: New Directions, 1971.

    42. Hayman, Ronald. K: A Biography Of Kafka. 1981. An Abacus Book. London: Sphere Books, 1983.

    43. Pawel, Ernst. The Nightmare of Reason: A Life of Franz Kafka. 1984. London: Collins Harvill, 1988.

    44. Calasso, Roberto. K. 2002. Trans. Geoffrey Brock. Jonathan Cape. London: Random House, 2005.