My PhD supervisor at the University of Edinburgh, Colin Manlove, a noted authority on Fantasy and SF, once told me that Robert Silverberg was his favourite writer in the genre, referring to him as 'the perfect Science Fiction machine.'
Of course, that was back in the 1980s, shortly after Silverberg had staged a spectacular come-back, after a five year hiatus from fiction-writing, with Lord Valentine's Castle. But it was probably not such later works as the Majipoor series Colin had in mind so much as Silverberg's immense output as a Jack-of-all-trades pulp writer from the mid-1950s to roughly the mid-1970s.
Recently I've been rereading all six volumes of The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg issued by the HarperCollins UK imprint Voyager between 1992 and 2000. There's a couple of thousand pages of material in there, 106 stories in all - to which should be added another 16 collected in its immediate predecessor, The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party (1984). It ranges from a selection of his earliest magazine publications in the early 50s to his later work from the 80s and 90s.
Characteristically, though, Silverberg ultimately repudiated this series - which does, admittedly, range somewhat arbitrarily over time and space - in favour of an even more comprehensive assemblage, the 9-volume Collected Stories pictured above (you'll find further details in my somewhat SF-weighted attempt at a Silverberg bibliography below).
Even this 9-volume, 151-story version (supplemented by another couple of volumes - 33 stories - of "Tales from the Pulp Era") is a mere selection from his actual production over this period, though.
So is "Robert Silverberg" just another version of Kurt Vonnegut's imaginary Kilgore Trout, a pulp-sci-fi-churning prodigy renowned for the quantity rather than the quality of his output? Readers who confined themselves solely to his early work might be forgiven for thinking so.
I think what interested Colin Manlove most, though, were the insistent themes and motifs which recur throughout Silverberg's work, but particularly after the late 1960s: themes comparatively unusual for SF at the time, such as:
- the strong desire of so many of his protagonists to be subsumed in some sort of a cosmic all;
- a fascination with doubles and alternate selves;
- & a far greater preoccupation with sex (and gender politics generally) than previous SF writers had been allowed - or had allowed themselves - to explore.
There is, however, another side to Robert Silverberg. From the early 1960s until roughly the mid-1970s he wrote an immense amount of non-fictional prose, focussing - for the most part - on subjects from archaeology and ancient history.
Many of these works remain worthwhile in themselves, but they also had the added advantage of opening up a new set of settings and ideas for his fictional work. His biographical novel Gilgamesh the King, for example, led directly to the afterlife story "Gilgamesh in the Outback", eventually collected in the novel-in-linked stories To the Land of the living (1990).
Roma Eterna, Sailing to Byzantium, Thebes of the Thousand Gates, and a number of his other novels and novellas are set either in ancient, or recreated alternative worlds of antiquity. His best-known and most popular series, the Majipoor books, are also heavily influenced by this atmosphere of antique immensity and imperial intrigue.
How, then, can we even start to sum up this most protean and prolific of SF writers? It's perhaps not so much that the sheer extent of his work defies categorisation and definition, as that that may not the most interesting way to read it.
These endless tallies of words published in a given year, fees earned from short-lived pulp magazines, emphases on his immense profligacy of invention are very much Silverberg's way of talking about himself.
It's better, then, to focus on the details: particular stories, particular visions - to give up trying to see him as a whole, but instead as a series of fractured parts. He is, after all, no Philip K. Dick. Unlike Dick, it's not in his overall themes he prevails but in the individual facets of his Balzacian overview of the human condition: past, present, and to come.
To start off with, you might try a couple of his later novels, the ones he published alongside the ongoing Majipoor Series about Lord Valentine and his successors (and predecessors). The Face of the Waters (1991) and Kingdoms of the Wall (1992) are two of my favourites: fascinating pieces of pure SF. However, if eco-fiction is more your thing, his 1994 novel Hot Sky at Midnight may seem startlingly prescient of our everyday climate woes right now.
One or other of his various assemblages of short stories is also a must-read. Only there can you get some sense of the prodigious energy and technical mastery which made him a legend among his peers - and, now, his successors.
Books I own are marked in bold:
- Revolt on Alpha C (1955)
- The 13th Immortal (1956)
- Master of Life and Death (1957)
- [with Randall Garrett, as Robert Randall] The Shrouded Planet (1957)
- Invaders from Earth (1958)
- [as Calvin M. Knox] Lest We Forget Thee, Earth (1958)
- Stepsons of Terra (1958)
- Stepsons of Terra. 1958. An Ace Science Fiction Book. New York: Ace Books, Inc., 1983.
- [as David Osborne] Aliens from Space (1958)
- [as David Osborne] Invisible Barriers (1958)
- [as Ivar Jorgenson] Starhaven (1958)
- Starman's Quest (1958)
- [as Calvin M. Knox] The Plot Against Earth (1959)
- [with Randall Garrett, as Robert Randall] The Dawning Light (1959)
- The Planet Killers (1959)
- Lost Race of Mars (1960)
- Collision Course (1961)
- The Seed of Earth (1962)
- Recalled to Life (1962) [Rev. ed. 1972]
- Blood on the Mink [aka 'Too Much Blood on the Mink'] (1962)
- The Silent Invaders (1963)
- Time of the Great Freeze (1964)
- Regan's Planet (1964)
- [as Calvin M. Knox] One of Our Asteroids is Missing (1964)
- Conquerors from the Darkness (1965)
- The Gate of Worlds (1967)
- Planet of Death (1967)
- Thorns (1967)
- Thorns. 1967. An Orbit Book. London: Futura Publications, 1987.
- Those Who Watch (1967)
- The Time Hoppers (1967)
- To Open the Sky (1967)
- To Open the Sky. 1967. Sphere Science Fiction. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1977.
- The Man in the Maze (1968)
- The Man in the Maze. 1968. A Tandem Book. London: Tandem Publishing Ltd., 1977.
- Hawksbill Station (1968) [Best]
- Hawksbill Station. 1968. A Star Book. London: W. H. Allen & Co., Ltd., 1982.
- The Masks of Time (1968)
- Nightwings (1969) [Best]
- Nightwings. 1969. Sphere Science Fiction. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1974.
- Across a Billion Years (1969)
- Three Survived (1969)
- To Live Again (1969)
- To Live Again. 1969. Fontana Science Fiction. London: Fontana/Collins, 1977.
- Up the Line (1969)
- Downward to the Earth (1970)
- Downward to the Earth. 1970. Pan Science Fiction. London: Pan Books, 1978.
- Tower of Glass (1970)
- Tower of Glass. 1970. Panther Science Fiction. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1976.
- World's Fair 1992 (1970)
- Son of Man (1971)
- Son of Man. 1971. Panther Science Fiction. Frogmore, St Albans, Herts: Granada Publishing Limited, 1979.
- The Second Trip (1971)
- The World Inside (1971)
- A Time of Changes (1971)
- A Time of Changes. 1971. Gollancz Classic SF, 3. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1986.
- The Book of Skulls (1971)
- The Book of Skulls. 1972. Coronet Books. London: Hodder & Stoughton Paperbacks, 1981.
- Dying Inside (1972)
- Dying Inside. 1972. VGSF Classics, 31. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1989.
- The Stochastic Man (1975)
- Shadrach in the Furnace (1976)
- Homefaring (1982) [1: Pluto]
- Lord of Darkness (1983)
- Gilgamesh the King (1984)
- Gilgamesh the King. New York: Arbor House, 1984.
- Sailing to Byzantium (1985) [1: Pluto]
- Tom O'Bedlam (1985)
- Tom O'Bedlam. 1985. An Orbit Book. London: Futura Publications, 1987.
- Star of Gypsies (1986)
- Star of Gypsies. 1986. An Orbit Book. London: Futura Publications, 1988.
- At Winter's End (1988)
- At Winter's End. 1988. A Legend Book. London: Arrow Books limited, 1990.
- Project Pendulum (1989)
- Letters From Atlantis (1990)
- The New Springtime [aka 'The Queen of Springtime'] (1990)
- The Queen of Springtime. 1989. A Legend Book. London: Arrow Books limited, 1991.
- To the Land of the Living (1990) [Living]
- To the Land of the Living. 1990. VGSF. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1990.
- [with Isaac Asimov, based on his 1941 story] Nightfall (1990)
- Thebes of the Hundred Gates (1991) [Thebes]
- Thebes of the Hundred Gates. 1991. HarperCollins Science Fiction and Fantasy. London: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd., 1994.
- The Face of the Waters (1991)
- The Face of the Waters. 1991. A Bantam Spectra Book. New York: Bantam Books, 1992.
- [with Isaac Asimov, based on his story 'Lastborn' (1958)] Child of Time [aka 'The Ugly Little Boy'] (1991)
- Kingdoms of the Wall (1992)
- Kingdoms of the Wall. 1992. Grafton. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993.
- [with Isaac Asimov, based on his story 'The Bicentennial Man' (1976)] The Positronic Man (1992)
- Hot Sky at Midnight (1994)
- Hot Sky at Midnight. 1994. A Bantam Spectra Book. New York: Bantam Books, 1995.
- Starborne (1996)
- Starborne. 1996. Voyager. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1997.
- The Alien Years (1998)
- The Alien Years. 1998. Voyager. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999.
- The Longest Way Home (2002)
- The Longest Way Home. Gollancz. London: Orion Publishing Group, 2002.
- Roma Eterna (2003)
- Prologue (AD 450)
- With Caesar in the Underworld (529)
- A Hero of the Empire (612)
- The Second Wave (1108)
- Waiting for the End (1198)
- An Outpost of the Realm (1453)
- Getting to know the Dragon (1790)
- The Reign of Terror (1815)
- Via Roma (1850)
- Tales from the Venia Woods (1897)
- To the Promised Land (1970)
- Roma Eterna. Gollancz. London: Orion Publishing Group, 2003.
- The Last Song of Orpheus (2010)
- Lord Valentine's Castle (1980)
- Lord Valentine's Castle. 1980. London: Pan Books, 1981.
- Majipoor Chronicles (1982) [Majipoor]
- Thesme and the Ghayrog (1982)
- The Time of the Burning (1982)
- In the Fifth Year of the Voyage (1981)
- Calintane Explains (1982)
- The Desert of Stolen Dreams (1981)
- The Soul-Painter and the Shapeshifter (1981)
- Crime and Punishment (1982)
- Among the Dream Speakers (1982)
- A Thief in Ni-moya (1981)
- Voriax and Valentine (1982) Epilogue
- Majipoor Chronicles. 1982. London: Pan Books, 1983.
- Valentine Pontifex (1983)
- Valentine Pontifex. 1983. London: Pan Books, 1985.
- The Mountains of Majipoor (1995)
- The Mountains of Majipoor. London: Pan Books, 1995.
- Sorcerers of Majipoor (1997)
- Sorcerers of Majipoor. London: Pan Books, 1997.
- Lord Prestimion (1999)
- Lord Prestimion. Voyager. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999.
- King of Dreams (2001)
- The King of Dreams. 2001. Voyager. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2002.
- Tales of Majipoor (2013)
- The End of the Line (2011)
- The Book of Changes (2003)
- The Tomb of the Pontifex Dvorn (2011)
- The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2004)
- Dark Times at the Midnight Market (2010)
- The Way They Wove the Spells in Sippulgar (2009)
- The Seventh Shrine (1998)
- Tales of Majipoor. Gollancz. London: Orion Publishing Group, 2013.
- Next Stop, the Stars (1962)
- Godling, Go Home (1964)
- Needle in a Timestack (1966)
- The Calibrated Alligator (1969)
- Dimension Thirteen (1969)
- The Cube Root of Uncertainty (1970)
- Parsecs and Parables (1973)
- Moonferns & Starsongs (1971)
- The Reality Trip and Other Implausibilities (1972)
- Valley Beyond Time (1973)
- Earth's Other Shadow (1973)
- Unfamiliar Territory (1973) [Unfamiliar]
- Caught in the Organ Draft (1972)
- {Now + n, Now - n} (1972)
- Some Notes on the Pre-Dynastic Epoch (1973)
- In the Group (1973)
- Caliban (1972)
- Many Mansions (1973)
- Good News from the Vatican (1971)
- Push No More (1972)
- The Mutant Season (1973)
- When We Went to See the End of the World (1972)
- What We Learned from This Morning's Newspaper (1972)
- In Entropy's Jaws (1971)
- The Wind and the Rain (1973)
- Unfamiliar Territory. 1973. Coronet Books. London: Hodder & Stoughton Paperbacks, 1981.
- The Feast of St. Dionysus: Five Science Fiction Stories (1975)
- Sunrise on Mercury (1975)
- Capricorn Games (1976)
- The Best of Robert Silverberg (1976) [Best]
Barry N. Malzberg: Thinking About Silverberg (1976)
- Road to Nightfall (1958)
- Warm Man (1957)
- To See the Invisible Man (1963)
- The Sixth Palace (1965)
- Flies (1967)
- Hawksbill Station (1967)
- Passengers (1968)
- Nightwings (1968)
- Sundance (1969)
- Good News from the Vatican (1971)
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (1976)- The Best of Robert Silverberg. 1976. An Orbit Book. London: Futura Publications, 1978.
- The Shores of Tomorrow (1976)
- World of a Thousand Colors (1982)
- The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party (1984) [Conglomeroid]
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (1984)
- The Far Side of the Bell-Shaped Curve (1982)
- The Pope of the Chimps (1982)
- The Changeling (1982)
- The Man Who Floated in Time (1982)
- The Palace at Midnight (1981)
- A Thousand Paces Along the Via Dolorosa (1981)
- At the Conglomeroid Cocktail Party (1982)
- Our Lady of the Sauropods (1980)
- Gianni (1982)
- The Trouble with Sempoanga (1982)
- How They Pass the Time in Pelpel (1981)
- Waiting for the Earthquake (1981)
- Not Our Brother (1982)
- The Regulars (1981)
- Jennifer's Lover (1982)
- Needle in a Timestack (1983)
- The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party. 1984. VGSF. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1989.
- Beyond the Safe Zone (1986)
- The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg. 6 vols (1992-2000):
- Pluto in the Morning Light (1992) [1: Pluto]
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (1992)
- Homefaring (1983)
- Basileus (1983)
- Dancers in the Time-Flux (1983)
- Gate of Horn, Gate of Ivory (1984)
- Amanda and the Alien (1983)
- Snake and Ocean, Ocean and Snake [aka 'The Affair'] (1984)
- Tourist Trade (1984)
- Multiples (1983)
- Against Babylon (1986)
- Symbiont (1985)
- Sailing to Byzantium (1985)
- Sunrise on Pluto (1985)
- Hardware (1987)
- Hannibal's Elephants (1988)
- Blindsight (1986)
- The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg. Volume 1: Pluto in the Morning Light. Grafton. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992.
- The Secret Sharer (1993) [2: Secret]
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (1993)
- The Pardoner's Tale (1987)
- The Iron Star (1987)
- The Secret Sharer (1987)
- House of Bones (1988)
- The Dead Man's Eyes (1988)
- Chip Runner (1989)
- To the Promised Land (1989)
- The Asenion Solution (1989)
- A Sleep and a Forgetting (1989)
- Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another (1989)
- We Are for the Dark (1988)
- The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg. Volume 2: The Secret Sharer. Grafton. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993.
- Beyond the Safe Zone (1994) [3: Beyond]
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (1994)
- Capricorn Games (1974)
- The Dybbuk of Mazel Tov IV (1974)
- Trips (1974)
- Schwartz Between the Galaxies (1974)
- Many Mansions (1973)
- Good News from the Vatican (1971)
- In the Group (1973)
- The Feast of St. Dionysus (1973)
- Caught in the Organ Draft (1972)
- {Now + n, Now - n} (1972)
- Caliban (1972)
- Getting Across (1973)
- Breckenridge and the Continuum (1973)
- In the House of Double Minds (1974)
- The Science Fiction Hall of Fame (1973)
- The Wind and the Rain (1973)
- A Sea of Faces (1974)
- What We Learned from This Morning's Newspaper (1972)
- Ship-Sister, Star-Sister (1973)
- When We Went to See the End of the World (1972)
- Push No More (1972)
- Some Notes on the Pre-Dynastic Epoch (1973)
- In Entropy's Jaws (1971)
- Ms. Found in an Abandoned Time Machine (1973)
- The Mutant Season (1973)
- This Is the Road (1973)
- The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg. Volume 3: Beyond the Safe Zone. Science Fiction & Fantasy. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994.
- The Road to Nightfall (1996) [4: Nightfall]
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (1996)
- Road to Nightfall (1958)
- Gorgon Planet (1954)
- The Silent Colony (1954)
- Absolutely Inflexible (1956)
- The Macauley Circuit (1956)
- The Songs of Summer (1956)
- Alaree (1958)
- The Artifact Business (1957)
- Collecting Team (1956)
- A Man of Talent (1966)
- One-Way Journey (1957)
- Sunrise on Mercury (1957)
- World of a Thousand Colours (1957)
- Warm Man (1957)
- Blaze of Glory (1957)
- Why? (1957)
- The Outbreeders (1959)
- The Man Who Never Forgot (1958)
- There Was an Old Woman (1958)
- The Iron Chancellor (1958)
- Ozymandias (1958)
- The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg. Volume 4: The Road to Nightfall. Voyager. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1996.
- Ringing the Changes (1997) [5: Ringing]
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (1997)
- To See the Invisible Man (1963)
- The Pain Peddlers (1963)
- Neighbor (1964)
- The Sixth Palace (1965)
- Flies (1967)
- Halfway House (1966)
- To the Dark Star (1968)
- Passengers (1968)
- Bride 91 [aka 'Bride Ninety-One'] (1967)
- Going Down Smooth (1968)
- Fangs of the Trees (1968)
- Ishmael in Love (1970)
- Ringing the Changes (1970)
- Sundance (1969)
- How It Was When the Past Went Away (1969)
- After the Myths Went Home (1969)
- The Pleasure of Their Company (1970)
- We Know Who We Are (1970)
- Something Wild Is Loose (1971)
- The Reality Trip (1970)
- The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg. Volume 5: Ringing the Changes. Voyager. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1997.
- Lion Time in Timbuctoo (2000) [6: Lion]
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (2000)
- Lion Time in Timbuctoo (1990)
- A Tip on a Turtle (1991)
- In the Clone Zone (1991)
- Hunters in the Forest (1991)
- A Long Night's Vigil at the Temple (1992)
- It Comes and Goes (1992)
- Looking for the Fountain (1992)
- The Way to Spook City (1992)
- The Red Blaze Is the Morning (1995)
- Death Do Us Part (1996)
- The Martian Invasion Journals of Henry James (1996)
- Crossing Into the Empire (1996)
- The Second Shield (1995)
- The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg. Volume 6: Lion Time in Timbuctoo. Voyager. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2000.
- Pluto in the Morning Light (1992) [1: Pluto]
- Phases of the Moon (2004)
- Tales from the Pulp Era. 2 vols (2006-2016):
- In the Beginning: Tales from the Pulp Era (2006)
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (2006)
- Yokel with Portfolio (1955)
- Long Live the Kejwa (1956)
- Guardian of the Crystal Gate (1956)
- Choke Chain (1956)
- Citadel of Darkness (1957)
- Cosmic Kill (1957)
- New Year's Eve — 2000 A.D.? (1957)
- The Android Kill (1957)
- The Hunters of Cutwold (1957)
- Come Into My Brain! (1958)
- Castaways of Space (1958)
- Exiled From Earth (1958)
- Second Start (1959)
- Mournful Monster (1959)
- Vampires from Outer Space (1959)
- The Insidious Invaders (1959)
- Early Days: More Tales from the Pulp Era (2016)
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (2016)
- The Inquisitor (1956)
- The Ultimate Weapon (1957)
- Harwood's Vortex (1957)
- Quick Freeze (1957)
- Six Frightened Men (1957)
- Puppets Without Strings [aka 'Call Me Zombie!'] (1957)
- A Time for Revenge (1957)
- Housemaid No. 103 (1957)
- Rescue Mission (1957)
- Planet of Parasites (1958)
- Slaves of the Tree (1958)
- Frontier Planet (1958)
- The Aliens Were Haters (1958)
- The Traders [aka 'The Unique and Terrible Compulsion'] (1958)
- Waters of Forgetfulness (1959)
- You Do Something to Me (1959)
- There's No Place Like Space! (1959)
- In the Beginning: Tales from the Pulp Era (2006)
- The Collected Stories. 9 vols (2006-2014):
- To Be Continued: 1954-59. The Collected Stories, 1 (2006)
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (2006)
- Gorgon Planet (1954) [4: Nightfall]
- The Road to Nightfall (1958) [Best] [4: Nightfall]
- The Silent Colony (1954) [4: Nightfall]
- Absolutely Inflexible (1956) [4: Nightfall]
- The Macauley Circuit (1956) [4: Nightfall]
- The Songs of Summer (1956) [4: Nightfall]
- To Be Continued (1956)
- Alaree (1958) [4: Nightfall]
- The Artifact Business (1957) [4: Nightfall]
- Collecting Team (1956) [4: Nightfall]
- A Man of Talent (1956/66) [4: Nightfall]
- One-Way Journey (1957) [4: Nightfall]
- Sunrise on Mercury (1957) [4: Nightfall]
- World of a Thousand Colors (1957) [4: Nightfall]
- Warm Man (1957) [Best] [4: Nightfall]
- Blaze of Glory (1957) [4: Nightfall]
- Why? (1957) [4: Nightfall]
- The Outbreeders (1959) [4: Nightfall]
- The Man Who Never Forgot (1958) [4: Nightfall]
- There Was an Old Woman (1958) [4: Nightfall]
- The Iron Chancellor (1958) [4: Nightfall]
- Ozymandias (1958) [4: Nightfall]
- Counterpart (1959)
- Delivery Guaranteed (1959)
- To the Dark Star: 1962-69. The Collected Stories, 2 (2007)
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (2007)
- To See the Invisible Man (1963) [Best] [5: Ringing]
- The Pain Peddlers (1963) [5: Ringing]
- Neighbor (1964) [5: Ringing]
- The Sixth Palace (1965) [Best] [5: Ringing]
- Flies (1967) [Best] [5: Ringing]
- Halfway House (1966) [5: Ringing]
- To the Dark Star (1968) [5: Ringing]
- Hawksbill Station (1967) [Best]
- Passengers (1968) [Best] [5: Ringing]
- Bride 91 (1967) [5: Ringing]
- Going Down Smooth (1968) [5: Ringing]
- The Fangs of the Trees (1968) [5: Ringing]
- Ishmael in Love (1970) [5: Ringing]
- Ringing the Changes (1970) [5: Ringing]
- Sundance (1969) [Best] [5: Ringing]
- How It Was When the Past Went Away (1969) [5: Ringing]
- A Happy Day in 2381 (1970)
- (Now + n, Now - n) (1972) [Unfamiliar] [3: Beyond]
- After the Myths Went Home (1969) [5: Ringing]
- The Pleasure of Their Company (1970) [5: Ringing]
- We Know Who We Are (1970) [5: Ringing]
- Something Wild Is Loose: 1969-72. The Collected Stories, 3 (2008)
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (2008)
- Something Wild Is Loose (1971) [5: Ringing]
- In Entropy's Jaws (1971) [Unfamiliar] [3: Beyond]
- The Reality Trip (1970) [5: Ringing]
- Going (1971)
- Caliban (1972) [Unfamiliar] [3: Beyond]
- Good News from the Vatican (1971) [Unfamiliar] [Best] [3: Beyond]
- Thomas the Proclaimer (1972)
- When We Went to See the End of the World (1972) [Unfamiliar] [3: Beyond]
- Push No More (1972) [Unfamiliar] [3: Beyond]
- The Wind and the Rain (1973) [Unfamiliar] [3: Beyond]
- Some Notes on the Pre-Dynastic Epoch (1973) [Unfamiliar] [3: Beyond]
- The Feast of St. Dionysus (1973) [3: Beyond]
- What We Learned from This Morning's Newspaper (1972) [Unfamiliar] [3: Beyond]
- The Mutant Season (1973) [Unfamiliar] [3: Beyond]
- Caught in the Organ Draft (1972) [Unfamiliar] [3: Beyond]
- Many Mansions (1973) [Unfamiliar] [3: Beyond]
- Trips: 1972-73. The Collected Stories, 4 (2009)
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (2009)
- In the Group (1973) [Unfamiliar] [3: Beyond]
- Getting Across (1973) [3: Beyond]
- Ms. Found in an Abandoned Time Machine (1973) [3: Beyond]
- The Science Fiction Hall of Fame (1973) [3: Beyond]
- A Sea of Faces (1974) [3: Beyond]
- The Dybbuk of Mazel Tov IV (1974) [3: Beyond]
- Breckenridge and the Continuum (1973) [3: Beyond]
- Capricorn Games (1974) [3: Beyond]
- Ship-Sister, Star-Sister (1973) [3: Beyond]
- This Is the Road (1973) [3: Beyond]
- Trips (1974) [3: Beyond]
- Born with the Dead (1974)
- Schwartz Between the Galaxies (1974) [3: Beyond]
- In the House of Double Minds (1974) [3: Beyond]
- The Palace at Midnight: 1980-82. The Collected Stories, 5 (2010)
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (2010)
- Our Lady of the Sauropods (1980) [Conglomeroid]
- Waiting for the Earthquake (1981) [Conglomeroid]
- The Regulars (1981) [Conglomeroid]
- The Far Side of the Bell-Shaped Curve (1982) [Conglomeroid]
- A Thousand Paces Along the Via Dolorosa (1981) [Conglomeroid]
- How They Pass the Time in Pelpel (1981) [Conglomeroid]
- The Palace at Midnight (1981) [Conglomeroid]
- The Man Who Floated in Time (1982) [Conglomeroid]
- Gianni (1982) [Conglomeroid]
- The Pope of the Chimps (1982) [Conglomeroid]
- Thesme and the Ghayrog (1982) [Majipoor]
- At the Conglomeroid Cocktail Party (1982) [Conglomeroid]
- The Trouble with Sempoanga (1982) [Conglomeroid]
- Jennifer's Lover (1982) [Conglomeroid]
- Not Our Brother (1982) [Conglomeroid]
- Gate of Horn, Gate of Ivory (1984) [1: Pluto]
- Dancers in the Time-Flux (1983) [1: Pluto]
- Needle in a Timestack (1983) [Conglomeroid]
- Amanda and the Alien (1983) [1: Pluto]
- Snake and Ocean, Ocean and Snake (1984) [1: Pluto]
- The Changeling (1982) [Conglomeroid]
- Basileus (1983) [1: Pluto]
- Homefaring (1983) [1: Pluto]
- Multiples: 1983-87. The Collected Stories, 6 (2011)
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (2011)
- Tourist Trade (1984) [1: Pluto]
- Multiples (1983) [1: Pluto]
- Against Babylon (1986) [1: Pluto]
- Symbiont (1985) [1: Pluto]
- Sailing to Byzantium (1985) [1: Pluto]
- Sunrise on Pluto (1985) [1: Pluto]
- Hardware (1987) [1: Pluto]
- Hannibal's Elephants (1988) [1: Pluto]
- Blindsight (1986) [1: Pluto]
- Gilgamesh in the Outback (1986) [Living]
- The Pardoner's Tale (1987) [2: Secret]
- The Iron Star (1987) [2: Secret]
- The Secret Sharer (1987) [2: Secret]
- House of Bones (1988) [2: Secret]
- We Are for the Dark: 1987-90. The Collected Stories, 7 (2012)
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (2012)
- The Dead Man's Eyes (1988) [2: Secret]
- Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another (1989) [2: Secret]
- To the Promised Land (1989) [2: Secret]
- Chip Runner (1989) [2: Secret]
- A Sleep and a Forgetting (1989) [2: Secret]
- In Another Country (1989)
- The Asenion Solution (1989) [2: Secret]
- We Are for the Dark (1988) [2: Secret]
- Lion Time in Timbuctoo (1990) [6: Lion]
- A Tip on a Turtle (1991) [6: Lion]
- Hot Times in Magma City: 1990-95. The Collected Stories, 8 (2013)
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (2013)
- In the Clone Zone (1991) [6: Lion]
- Hunters in the Forest (1991) [6: Lion]
- A Long Night's Vigil at the Temple (1992) [6: Lion]
- Thebes of the Hundred Gates (1992) [Thebes]
- It Comes and Goes (1992) [6: Lion]
- Looking for the Fountain (1992) [6: Lion]
- The Way to Spook City (1992) [6: Lion]
- The Red Blaze Is the Morning (1995) [6: Lion]
- Death Do Us Part (1996) [6: Lion]
- The Martian Invasion Journals of Henry James (1996) [6: Lion]
- Crossing Into the Empire (1996) [6: Lion]
- The Second Shield (1995) [6: Lion]
- Hot Times in Magma City (1995)
- The Millennium Express: 1995-2009. The Collected Stories, 9 (2014)
Robert Silverberg: Introduction (2014)
- Diana of the Hundred Breasts (1996)
- Beauty in the Night (1997)
- Call Me Titan (1997)
- The Tree That Grew from the Sky (1996)
- The Church at Monte Saturno (1997)
- Hanosz Prime Goes to Old Earth (2006)
- The Millennium Express (2000)
- Travelers (1999)
- The Colonel Returns to the Stars (2004)
- The Eater of Dreams (2007)
- A Piece of the Great World (2005)
- Against the Current (2007)
- The True Vintage of Erzuine Thale (2009)
- Defenders of the Frontier (2010)
- The Prisoner (2010)
- Smithers and the Ghosts of the Thar (2011)
- The Millennium Express: 1995-2009. The Collected Stories, 9. 2014. Burton, MI: Subterranean Press, 2015.
- [with Randall Garrett] A Little Intelligence (2009)
- To Be Continued: 1954-59. The Collected Stories, 1 (2006)
- Treasures Beneath the Sea. Illustrated by Norman Kenyon (1960)
- [as Edgar Black] Sir Winston Churchill: The Compelling Life Story of one of the Towering Figures of the 20th Century (1961)
- First American into Space (1961)
- Lost Cities and Vanished Civilizations (1962)
- [as Walter Drummond] Philosopher of Evil (1962)
- The Fabulous Rockefellers (1963)
- Sunken History: The Story of Underwater Archaeology (1963)
- [as Walter Drummond] How to Spend Money (1963)
- Fifteen Battles that Changed the World (1963)
- Empires in the Dust: Ancient Civilizations Brought to Light (1963)
- Home of the Red Man: Indian North America before Columbus (1963)
- [as L. T. Woodward] The History of Surgery (1963)
- The Great Doctors (1964)
- Man Before Adam: The Story of Man in Search of His Origins (1964)
- Akhnaten: The Rebel Pharaoh (1964)
- [as Franklin Hamilton] 1066 (1964)
- [as Walker Chapman] The Loneliest Continent: The Story of Antarctic Discovery (1964)
- The Man Who Found Nineveh: The Story of Austen Henry Layard (1964)
- Great Adventures in Archaeology: From Belzoni to Woolley. 1964. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.
- Socrates (1965)
- Scientists And Scoundrels: A Book of Hoaxes (1965)
- Men Who Mastered the Atom (1965)
- Niels Bohr: The Man Who Mapped the Atom (1965)
- The Old Ones: Indians of the American Southwest (1965)
- The Great Wall of China (1965)
- The World of Coral (1965)
- [as Franklin Hamilton] The Crusades (1965, )
- [as Walker Chapman] Antarctic Conquest: The Great Explorers in Their Own Words (1966)
- The Long Rampart: The Story of the Great Wall of China (1966)
- [as Lee Sebastian] Rivers: A Book to Begin On (1966)
- Forgotten by Time: A Book of Living Fossils (1966)
- Frontiers in Archeology (1966)
- [as Walker Chapman] Kublai Khan: Lord of Xanadu (1966)
- [as Roy Cook] Leaders Of Labor (1966)
- Bridges (1966)
- To the Rock of Darius: The Story of Henry Rawlinson (1966)
- [as Lloyd Robinson] The Hopefuls: Ten Presidential Campaigns (1966)
- The Morning of Mankind: Prehistoric Man in Europe (1967)
- [as Walker Chapman] The Golden Dream: Seekers of El Dorado (1967)
- The Auk, the Dodo and the Oryx (1967)
- The World of the Rain Forests (1967)
- The Dawn of Medicine (1967)
- The Adventures of Nat Palmer (1967)
- [as Franklin Hamilton] Challenge for a Throne: The Wars of the Roses (1967)
- Men Against Time: Salvage Archeology in the United States (1967)
- Light for the World: Edison and the Power Industry (1967)
- [as Walker Chapman] The Search for Eldorado (1967)
- [as L. T. Woodward] Sophisticated Sex Techniques in Marriage (1967)
- Mound Builders of Ancient America: The Archeology of a Myth (1968)
- The World of the Ocean Depths (1968)
- [as Lloyd Robinson] The Stolen Election: Hayes vs. Tilden, 1876 (1968)
- Four Men Who Changed the Universe (1968)
- [as Paul Hollander] Sam Houston (1968)
- [as Lee Sebastian] The South Pole: A Book to Begin On (1968)
- Stormy Voyager (1968)
- Ghost Towns of the American West (1968)
- Vanishing Giants: The Story of the Sequoias (1969)
- Wonders of Ancient Chinese Science (1969)
- The Challenge of Climate: Man and His Environment (1969)
- Bruce of the Blue Nile (1969)
- The World of Space (1969)
- If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem (1970)
- The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (1970)
- Mammoths, Mastodons and Man (1970)
- The Mound Builders (1970)
- The Pueblo Revolt (1970)
- Clocks for the Ages: How Scientists Date the Past (1971)
- To The Western Shore: Growth of the United States 1776-1853 (1971)
- Before The Sphinx: Early Egypt (1971)
- [with Arthur C. Clarke] Into Space: A Young Person's Guide to Space (1971)
- The Realm of Prester John (1972)
- The Longest Voyage: Circumnavigation in the Age Of Discovery (1972)
- John Muir, Prophet Among the Glaciers (1972)
- The World Within the Ocean Wave (1972)
- The World Within the Tide Pool (1972)
- Drug Themes in Science Fiction (1974)
- Reflections and Refractions: Thoughts on Science Fiction, Science and Other Matters (1997) [Rev. ed. 2016]
- Musings and Meditations (2011)
- Earthmen & Strangers (1966)
- Voyagers in Time (1967)
- Alpha
- Alpha 1 (1970)
- Alpha 2 (1971)
- Alpha 3 (1972)
- Alpha 4 (1973)
- Alpha 5 (1974)
- Alpha 6 (1976)
- Alpha 7 (1977)
- Alpha 8 (1977)
- Alpha 9 (1978)
- The Science Fiction Hall of Fame
- Volume One, 1929–1964 (1970)
- Volume Two (1973)
- [with Roger Zelazny & James Blish] Three For Tomorrow. Foreword by Arthur C. Clarke (1970)
- New Dimensions
- New Dimensions 1 (1971)
- New Dimensions II (1972)
- New Dimensions 3 (1973)
- New Dimensions IV (1974)
- New Dimensions Science Fiction 5 (1975)
- New Dimensions Science Fiction 6 (1976)
- New Dimensions Science Fiction 7 (1977)
- New Dimensions Science Fiction 8 (1978)
- New Dimensions Science Fiction 9 (1979)
- New Dimensions Science Fiction 10 (1980)
- [with Marta Randall] New Dimensions 11 (1980)
- [with Marta Randall] New Dimensions 12 (1981)
- Deep Space: Eight Stories of Science Fiction (1973)
- Infinite Jests: The Lighter Side of Science Fiction (1974)
- Mutants (1974)
- [with Roger Elwood] Epoch (1975)
- Strange Gifts (1975)
- [with Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph Olander] Dawn of Time (1979)
- The Edge of Space (1979)
- The Best of Randall Garrett (1982)
- The Fantasy Hall of Fame
- [with Martin H. Greenberg] The Fantasy Hall of Fame (1983)
- The Fantasy Hall of Fame (1998)
- Nebula Award anthologies
- The Nebula Awards #18 (1983)
- Nebula Awards Showcase 2001 (2001)
- [with Karen Haber] Universe Anthologies
- Universe 1 (1990)
- Universe 2 (1992)
- Universe 3 (1994)
- Murasaki: A Novel in Six Parts. By Poul Anderson, Greg Bear, Gregory Benford, David Brin, Nancy Kress, & Frederick Pohl. 1992. Grafton. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993.
- Legends
- Legends. Voyager. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1998.
- Legends II: New Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy. A Del Rey Book. New York: Ballantine Books, 2004.
- Far Horizons: All New Tales from the Greatest Worlds of Science Fiction. An Orbit Book. London: Little, Brown & Company (UK), 1999.
- [with Martin H. Greenberg] Robert Silverberg Presents the Great SF Stories: 1964 (2001)
- Tales from Super-Science Fiction (2011)
- Times Three (2011)
Short Stories:
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