Sunday, June 08, 2008


It's almost exactly two years since I started up this blog. I was trying to explain what I hope to accomplish with it the other day to my Massey colleagues at the School of Social and Cultural Studies, but since we were all going round in a big circle spending five minutes each talking about our current research projects, it wasn't possible to go into much detail.

Just as well, really. I could see their eyes glazing over even after that much discussion.

I suppose the normal convention for an author's homepage is to have an entry point with hyperlinks to a comprehensive bibliography, critical comments, a portrait gallery and various works-in-progress. Sometimes there's a blog linked to it as well.

That was my original plan, also. However, since I started my experiments with free blog space, I've realised that a lot can be accomplished with the internet equivalent of a pair of old hedgeclippers and a bottle of glue:

Bibliography sites [10]

Writing sites [14]


Research sites [10]
Teaching sites [14]

Let's take them in order:

Bibliography sites

  1. A Gentle Madness [2009- ] (1/6/09-4/7/10)
  2. A catalogue of my Book Collection: Geographical by Locations & Indexed by Categories.

  3. Pania Press [2006- ]:
    • Pania Press (Blog) (25/9/06- )
      bijou publisher of original literary & artistic works, in small editions.
    • Pania Press (Business) (14/11/12- )
      A catalogue of the publications of this small press, from 2006 to the present day.

  4. Paper Table [2017- ] (19/9/17- )
  5. A catalogue of the publications of this small press, dedicated to publishing contemporary New Zealand fiction, particularly novellas.

  6. Perdrix Press [1997- ] (16/4/11- )
  7. A catalogue of the publications of this small press, dedicated to publishing artistic and poetic collaborations of various kinds, with various people, from 1997 to the present day.

  8. Poetry NZ [2014-2020]:

  9. Works & Days [1981- ] (18/10/07- )
  10. Curriculum Vitae: Biography - Bibliography - Chronology - Papers - Performances & Reviews.

  11. Jack Ross: Showcase [2016- ] (2/12/16- )
  12. Selected publications, print and online.

Writing sites

  1. Jack Ross: Poems [1981- ] (27/5/23- )
  2. Collected Poetry, published in books, chapbooks, periodicals and online.

  3. Jack Ross: Opinions [1987- ] (18/8/13- )
  4. Published Essays, Interviews, Introductions & Reviews.

  5. Jack Ross: Stories [1996- ] (2/6/22-29/10/23)
  6. Collected short fiction and novellas.

  7. The R.E.M. [Random Excess Memory] Trilogy [1997-2008]:
    1. Nights with Giordano Bruno [2000] (19-30/1/08)
      A Novel + Game for One Player.
    2. The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis [2006]:
    3. E M O [2008] (27/11/23-2/5/24)
      • EVA AVE (15/8/06-3/9/07)
        Inheritor of silence / shall I be? / Black mass below us / above us / only sky …
      • Moons of Mars (16/8/06-3/9/07)
        Welcome / to the new reality / Nothing’s stranger / than the will / to survive …
      • Ovid in Otherworld (15/8/06-3/9/07)
        Wild geese draw lines / across an amber sky / fish bask / in frozen rivers / generators die …

  8. Coursebook found in a Warzone [from Kingdom of Alt (2010)]:
    • Banned Books [2009] (19/10-13/12/08)
      Censored & Restricted 20th-Century Fiction: Administration - Assignments - Author Pages - Lecture Notes - Forum for Discussion (English 2: 666).
    • Crisis Diaries [2009] (19/10/08-3/1/09)
      Chronicles of Heartbreak, Illness, Madness, Plague & Civil War: Special Topic in Comparative Literature - School of Society & Culture - Radial Campus - Semester One.

  9. Papyri [2007- ] (3/10/06- )
  10. Love-poems & fragments from Sappho & elsewhere.

  11. Tree Worship [2011-12] (6/1/11-14/8/12)
  12. Poems & fragments.

Gateway site

  • The Imaginary Museum [2006- ] (14/6/06- )
  • Adventures in Writing, Publishing, Book Collecting & Other Pursuits.

Research sites

  1. John Masefield [1984-1985] (14/4-22/8/09)
  2. The Early Novels, 1908-1911. MA Thesis (University of Auckland, 1986).

  3. Versions of South America [1986-1990] (14/4-22/7/09)
  4. An Elusive Identity: Versions of South America in English Literature from Aphra Behn to the Present Day. PhD Thesis (University of Edinburgh, 1990).

  5. Scheherazade's Web [1991-1995] (22/8/06-26/9/07)
  6. The Thousand and One Nights and Comparative Literature.

  7. An index to brief magazine [1995-2018] (11/12/07-10/18)
  8. Listings & Statistics for the Magazine formerly known as A Brief Description of The Whole World / ABDOTWW / Description / Abdotww / Ab.Ww / Brief. &c.

  9. Aotearoa NZ Poetry Sound Archive [2002-2004] (6/11-3/12/07)
  10. Bibliographical Aids for the Use of Those Consulting the Waiata Archive (1974) and AoNZPSA (2002-2004) – Audio Recordings available in Special Collections, University of Auckland Library and in the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington.

  11. Social and Cultural Studies [2009- ] (27/8/09- )
  12. Monograph Series – School of Social and Cultural Studies – Albany Campus – Massey University.

  13. Leicester Kyle [2011]:
    • Leicester Kyle (17/2-14/3/11)
      An Index to the Collected Poems of Leicester Hugo Kyle (1937-2006).
    • Leicester Kyle: Texts (18/2-14/3/11)
      The Collected Poetry Books of Leicester Hugo Kyle (1937-2006).

  14. NZSF [2018-2020] (1/1/18-4/9/20)
  15. The Psychogeography of New Zealand Speculative Fiction.

  16. Michele 2021 [2021] (19/1-18/10/21)
  17. A Birthday Festschrift for Michele Joy Leggott.

Teaching sites

  1. Creative Writing [2009- 2021] (14/4/08- )
    139.123 – College of Humanities and Social Sciences – School of English and Media Studies – Albany Campus – Massey University.

  2. Life Writing [2008-2015] (14/4/08- )
    139.226 – College of Humanities and Social Sciences – School of English and Media Studies – Albany Campus – Massey University.
    • Life Writing Anthology [2008-2015] (21/9/08- )
      An anthology of student writing from Massey University Albany.

  3. Advanced Fiction Writing [2017-2021] (25/2/15- )
    139.329 – College of Humanities and Social Sciences – School of English and Media Studies – Massey University.

  4. Travel Writing [2009-2021] (14/4/08- )
    139.326 – College of Humanities and Social Sciences – School of English and Media Studies – Albany Campus – Massey University.

  5. Contemporary NZ Writers in an International Context [2010-2016] (28/3/09- )
    139.750 – College of Humanities and Social Sciences – School of English and Media Studies – Albany Campus – Massey University.

  6. Lectures [2011-2021] (1/4/11- )
  7. College of Humanities and Social Sciences – School of English and Media Studies – Albany Campus – Massey University: Miscellaneous Guest Lectures.

  8. Writers Read Series [2011-2021] (27/6/12- )
  9. College of Humanities and Social Sciences – School of English and Media Studies – Albany Campus – Massey University: Guest Readers.

  10. Novels since 1900 [2008] (12/4-11/10/08)
  11. English 220 / 356 (University of Auckland): Lecture Notes – Assignments – Author Pages – Forum for Discussion.

  12. Cross-Genre Writing: Contexts / Praxis [2012] (9/10/12)
  13. College of Humanities and Social Sciences – School of English and Media Studies – Albany Campus – Massey University.

No doubt further refinements on this set-up will be added over time, but for the moment, that's the system.


Unknown said...

Dear Mr Ross, dear Jack,

I am looking for the SECOND 'Modern Poets' series by Penguin and their EUROPEAN poets series, of which I only have a few volumes. I gather that I have the entire FIRST series, but then again I'm not sure how many volumes were published in all.

Thank you for any help,

Eddy BONTE, Belgium

Dr Jack Ross said...

Dear Eddy,

I'm afraid that I don't know that much about the later series of the Penguin Modern Poets: the first series, which I do have, had 27 volumes and ran from 1962-1979 (with an extra, 28th volume of 'Mersey Beat' poets added in 1983)

Judging from Wikipedia []
the second series had 13 volumes and came out in the 1990s,
the third series has at least 8 volumes (2016-18), and may well be ongoing.

I hope that's some help. It's a fun series to collect.

best, jack