Friday, November 27, 2009

Flying Blind next Thursday

A panel presentation on the cultural and artistic impact of new media technologies.

- Writer Jack Ross will draw on his web-based projects including the REM trilogy.
- Filmmaker Gabriel White will discuss the question of a "minor" cinema.
- Filmmaker David Blyth will discuss the internet and desire though his recent film Transfigured Nights.
- Film Archive curator Amelia Harris will examine the similar presence of amateurism in early cinema and contemporary media.

When: Thursday Dec 3
7.30 pm

Where: Auckland Film Archive
Level 1, 300 K Rd
Koha entry
complimentary beer!


[postscript: 4/12/09]

Well, the event went off very well, I thought.

You can read more about the details of my presentation here, and no doubt there'll be further follow-ups on the Floating Cinemas website and blog.

[Photograph by Mary Paul (4/9/09)]


Ross Brighton said...

Sounds very interesting. I'm interested in how electronic media affect text/textual production and representation, especially since most e-books seem to be simulations of the codex.

When Gabriel White talks about 'minor cinema", that wouldn't be an apropriation and redeployment of Deleuze and Guattari's Minor Literature, whould it?

I wish I could make it, but it's a bit too far to travel....

Dr Jack Ross said...

Man, I wish you had been there, Ross. As you correctly predicted, it was indeed that notion of a minor literature which Gabriel was playing on. I think you might have quite enjoyed discussing it with him.

The problem was probably too many speakers and not enough time, as is so often the case on these occasions.

Ross Brighton said...

I'll be up in Auckland next year, so hopefully there'll be more of this kind of thing!

Floating Cinemas said...

I'll post the script of my speech on the The Floating Cinemas Blog as soon as I get a free moment and do the footnotes. I've never read about the Minor Literature but I've read Deleuze on Kafka and Kant, which was great. The Minor lit thing as really a bit of a throw in!


Ross Brighton said...

The Minor Litereature is the book on Kafka - and I'm a bit of an acolyte. I look forward for reading.

Floating Cinemas said...

The post on Flying Blind is up now.
